Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Today I’m grateful for:

  1. 9 days of consecutive sobriety to tack onto my 7,000+ days of non-consecutive time. It helps me to remember I have significant time under my belt as I move forward odaat.

  2. Attending 2 meetings this morning, one a regular TLC meeting & the other a TLC book club meeting.

  3. Looking forward to a dinner time meeting later so I can have Zoom pals to eat with.

  4. Breaks in the weather so I could get 2 walks in with my doggos.

  5. Ice, I screwed up my knee somehow :roll_eyes:

  1. Summer ending, nice temperatures again
  2. Having two very good nights sleep on a row
  3. The love I get from my cats
  4. My family, even if they support me in a weird way
  5. Taking new challenges

I am grateful for a nice day out hiking.
I am grateful for some contact with friends.
I am grateful the weather is getting better. Good enough.
I am there is enough food in my fridge.
I am grateful for clean water and a short shower.


I am grateful for Porn free radio the podcast.
I am grateful for the song “Self Love” by Metro Boomin/Coi Leray
I am grateful for the half day i have today.
I am grateful to have a job
I am grateful for my 4 fantasy football drafts from Saturday - Tuesday.
I am grateful for my fighting spirit
I am grateful for my babies who disturb my sleep nightly.
I am grateful for my wonderful wife, who is a warrior who never gives up


Sweet Thursday, 8/31

Grateful there’s cooler weather on the horizon.
Grateful for a peaceful, quiet morning.
Grateful for prayer.
Grateful my Mom is recovering from her recent injury.
Grateful for good food.


Daily gratitude

  1. My safe home.
  2. A plethora of shops and grocery stores on my doorstep.
  3. Feeling strong physically.
  4. Knowing I can just take one day at a time.
  5. The time I spent playing the guitar this afternoon.

I am grateful for:

  • being alive
  • still being here
  • being alive
  • being free from my toxic ex job now
  • being able to communicate something to the teacher in my yoga lesson yesterday (acute physical boundary) and the teacher taking it as introduction of the lesson (acceptance)

I am grateful for:

  • My job
  • My health
  • My twins are thriving back at school
  • My AA group and sponsor
  • I have enough

I am grateful to be sober.
I am I can walk.
I am grateful for TS.
I am grateful I can sleep better with these temperatures.
I am grateful I have enough.


Grateful today for

  1. Peace and quiet and the opportunity to rest today.
  2. I bought myself a little cake to have with some tea.
  3. A phone call with a dear friend.
  4. Comfy clothes to relax in.
  5. Meditation practice.

Today I feel grateful for my new job. First time I work sober. And I am getting lots of compliments on my working skills. It makes me feel so good and confident. People tell me I look happy and not stressed. Clients are nice. I am really grateful.
I am grateful for my son’s new school and how he has been handling things this week. I know its a lot of changes for him but he is doing really great.
I am grateful for my daughters first week in high school. Its hard for her but she loves having to be more responsible.
I am grateful for the man who shares my life. He is always there to listen to me and reassure me. He’s my rock and boy I love him and admire him.
I am grateful for the relationship I have with my kids father and his girlfriend. I feel we are a great big family and its exactly what I wanted when we seperated.
I feel so good this morning. I feel happy and inner peace.
And i feel grateful for this app, and this community. Reading you guys helps me everyday. Thanks to all of you for sharing your journey. I am grateful to have found you guys.

Have a great day lots of love to all of you :heart:


Today I am grateful for:

  • a brilliant, funny and calming 20 minute chat with an over 70 years old neighbour at 8 am… Made my day and obviously his day too :heart:
  • a walk to do the grocery shopping
  • my washing machine
  • still being alive
  • still being healthy

And, yea… 1 more week at the outdoor pool


Today I am grateful for

  1. My new frying pan that I used to make crepes this morning.
  2. Breathing exercises. I’ve been trying a new one with a five minute time.
  3. Three ohms under a cold shower.
  4. Coffee
  5. The pool of sunlight I’m resting in at the moment.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for sparkling water.
I am grateful for food in my fridge.
I am grateful for the sun being okay to actually be in the sun.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful I slept well despite the crowd in front of our building who think yelling and raging is a fun thing to do on a Saturday night.
I am grateful I am okay walking in the rain and be prepared for rain during my holidays.
I am grateful I could concentrate watching a movie yesterday. I’ve probably seen it 5 times already. Erin Brockovich. I love it.
I am grateful I remembered some soothing songs in my playlist.
I am grateful to be sober.


Congrats on the new job!


Thank you :blush:

Sunday Morning Gratitudes:

Grateful I’m alive another day.
Grateful I have a job now.
Grateful my Mother is healing from her injury.
Grateful for funny animal videos on YouTube.
Grateful alcohol is not in my life anymore.


Sunday gratitude

  1. It’s a beautiful day and I managed an hour long walk around my local park.
  2. I’ll be able to meet my psychiatric nurse tomorrow for a swim.
  3. My head cold symptoms are all but gone.
  4. The nice scone and jam I’m slowly eating with a pot of tea.
  5. I’ll make a nice chicken korma for dinner.

Today I am grateful for:

  • my morning walk by the river, cold and dusty, fresh air, and the warmth of the sun now, creating a nice late summer week
  • free of work but still save
  • making pesto and preparing zucchini soup for later
  • my skin
  • being able to love deeply (still being able, heartbreaking shit didn’t break my heart finally, I am grateful for a strong loving heart!)