Gratitude List. 5 things daily

This morning I’m grateful for:

  1. Day 14!
  2. Awake early with both dogs in bed with me while I sip my coffee, tails thumping and obvious enthusiasm for the day, which I share :grin:
  3. Decent sleep and hot coffee.
  4. My beautiful body which is a nice home at the moment.
  5. Like @Juli1 said above, my beautiful, loving heart which continues to grow in warmth and care. When I meditate now the most beautiful warmth spreads through my chest, I hope it radiates out to others :heart:

I am grateful for a short day at work.
I am grateful I made it to the gym just to have a look and I like it. Was a good first impression.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have nice coworkers here as well.


Today’s gratitude

  1. My psychiatric nurse who changed our plans from going for a swim to going for a walk in the sun. That way we had a proper hour to talk.
  2. That I bought a new set of guitar strings and decided to fit them this afternoon. I’ve been playing much of the evening.
  3. That I remembered all of the words and the chords for Norwegian Wood, which my daughter loves to sing along with.
  4. The first two chapters of my audiobook that I listened to after dinner. It’s the first time I’ve listened to an audiobook and I’m quite enjoying it.
  5. My decent and comfortable boots that took me a reasonable walk today.

Today I am feeling grateful for

  1. A smooth transition back to work
  2. My daughter had her dream last day of summer with her best friend
  3. I got to the gym
  4. The beautiful weather
  5. All the beautiful scented products I can smell after my shower

Tuesday Morning…

Grateful my sick wife is sleeping peacefully next to me now. Rough night.
Grateful for kitty snuggles at 2:15 this morning.
Grateful we have what we need.
Grateful for a loving family.
Grateful to my HP for helping me cope with my anxieties.


I am grateful for some luck this morning. No bigger destruction by a fire.
I am grateful to be sober. This is no reason to drink.
I am grateful I still have paint.
I am grateful for the nice weather.
I am grateful I have enough.


Today’s gratitude is for

  1. The beautiful weather, even although it is reminding me of a difficult time in my life.
  2. My psychiatric nurse for her great advice. I successfully used the holding ice cubes technique.
  3. This neighbourhood with so many good walks nearby. I walked for a couple of hours this afternoon.
  4. The Lidl bakery section for their lovely triple chocolate cookies.
  5. My parents for the additional phone calls we’ve been having. I’m feeling much warmer towards them nowadays.

Tuesday evening gratitude’s…

  • thunderstorms
  • cooler days ahead
  • capability to get my physical work done
  • my siblings (they are my best friends)
  • hoodies…its gonna be hoodie weather soon…love warm comfy clothing

Super proud of you!! I do 5 things iam grateful for in mornings and at night.

  1. God
  2. My sobriety
  3. My health
  4. My job
    5 roof over my head and food
  5. My strength to work even harder to get a new car

I am so so so grateful that I don’t have to work tomorrow.
I am grateful for the beautiful weather.
I am grateful for a chat with a neighbour. She is kind.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I don’t have to work tomorrow. Twice. I know. That is to express how grateful I am for that.


Today I am grateful for

  1. The big punnets of strawberries in the shops at the moment.
  2. The lingering scent of geranium on my clothes from todays yoga session.
  3. Today’s yoga, it was especially restorative and gentle.
  4. The blooms on my orchid.
  5. The sounds my son’s making as he plays with a wooden sword in the hallway. He’s half adult half child at the moment.

Today I am grateful for:

  1. smiles
  2. possibilities
  3. candle light
  4. freedom
  5. being sober

I am grateful I slept well.
I am grateful hormones start rising. Sugar is calming down.
I am grateful to have the day off and I have a plan.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful for:

  1. 17 days sober;
  2. Strength in community;
  3. My animals;
  4. My health;
  5. Air conditioning!

Today I’m grateful for

  1. I got my act together and submitted an artwork to a national exhibition. I’m grateful I had a piece of work that fitted the criteria.
  2. I’m grateful for a good nights sleep last night.
  3. I’m grateful for hot water for a bath.
  4. I’m grateful for breathing exercises which I did while cooling down from my bath lying on my bed.
  5. I’m grateful for frozen mango at home (the supermarket is often out of stock)
  1. AA & fellowship
  2. My mobility
  3. Food supply chain distribution working effectively
  4. My mom
  5. Its almost friday

Im with you on the hoodie thing. I’m tired of being hot. Sweater/jacket weather is definitely my favourite time of year as well.


Just for Today…

Grateful for a quiet morning.
Grateful for at least a relatively good night’s sleep.
Grateful for our awesome friends who brought over a yummy Mexican dinner for our family last night. :pray:
Grateful for happy memories of better days.
Grateful for strength and courage from my HP.


Today I am grateful for:

  1. A new lock for my front door
  2. Setting boundaries with toxic people
  3. Cooler weather on the horizon
  4. My sobriety
  5. Clear mind

Thursday gratitude’s

  1. Feeling mobile today
  2. Getting a night of sleep last night
  3. Local library has many movies / shows available for check out
  4. Pinterest for loads of creative ideas for homemade decorations
  5. TS supportive community