Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Today I am grateful for

  1. I’m not as exhausted today as the days I have to commute to work
  2. Tomorrow is another work from home day
  3. I have a good job that I like and that pays the bills
  4. My new kitten, Cori
  5. My sobriety

Today I am grateful for:

  • I got the commitment for the new appartement, signed the contract, they choose me.
    Yeah. New home end of next month.
  • I left my toxic job
  • the universe and it’s signs
  • being able to love (to have a loving heart)
  • community and being sober

Today’s gratitude

  1. A phone call with one of my best friends this morning.
  2. The opportunity to resolve an outstanding application (I’ve withdrawn it)
  3. Todays yoga class.
  4. A friend I’m meeting later today.
  5. My wonderful kids.

Congrats on your new fur baby. Life is better with cats. :smile_cat::heart_eyes_cat:


Friday on my mind…

Grateful to have today off.
Grateful to receive my first regular paycheck in several months.
Grateful for the delicious oatmeal for breakfast.
Grateful I have a job.
Grateful for our black cat Yoshi. :heart_eyes_cat:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for having one week off.
I am grateful to be home.
I am grateful to have food in the fridge.


Sweet Saturday…

Grateful for a good night’s sleep.
Grateful for relatively good health.
Grateful for my family.
Grateful for Lexapro.
Grateful to have just what we need.


Todays gratitude is for

  1. The chance to apologise to my parents for the way I had spoken to them when I was becoming psychotic back in May. It’s a weight off my mind.
  2. Beautiful warm weather.
  3. My daughter’s energy.
  4. This nice cup of tea I’m having.
  5. It’s pizza night tonight!

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a warm shower.
I am grateful for the nice weather.
I am grateful I can rest.


Today I am grateful for:

  • got the apartment and a good feeling now
  • a Sunday breakfast with some favorite food (oat bread, avocado, salmon). Realy grateful for this, enjoyed it a lot.
  • having a shower
  • distance to that (xxxx) guy
  • my parents, just as they are :heart:

And… Day 9 and a silent sober evening yesterday, being fine with myself.


Today’s gratitude is for

  1. The rain didn’t start until after I was back home from my outing to yoga.
  2. The rain, for clearing the air a little. It’s been so stuffy lately.
  3. My daughter for letting me cut her hair, and she’s very pleased with the result.
  4. That I was able to make the evening meal despite having a very poor appetite today.
  5. olanzapine

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for talking with my brother and him being pragmatic.
I am grateful for a nice hike today.
I am grateful I don’t have to work next week.
I am grateful I have enough.


Just for today…

Grateful I got off work early today and can enjoy what’s left of my Sunday.
Grateful my week has been going smoothly.
Grateful I’m feeling more confident and comfortable at the new job.
Grateful my wife and Mom are feeling better. I’m still testing positive for COVID, but still symptom-free.
Grateful that things are, overall, just fine right now. :relieved:


I didn’t do my 5 yesterday. So here goes:

  1. Grateful that I went on a bike ride and had a cuddle with my stepson.

  2. Enjoyed watching all the kids have fun at local indoor play facility.

  3. Managed to make it another day with no booze.

  4. Grateful for who and what I have in life, even if I’m not able to appreciate it at the moment.

  5. Grateful for God’s presence in my life. Praying for strength.


Sunday night gratitude’s

** my love of cooking and baking
** ability to learn that i do need and deserve rest.
** got through my lack of sleep last week without using alcohol or weed to try and knock me out
** PT has gotten easier to deal with (being a bit more gentle with the exercises and movements)
** ability to help family with a busy day today and tomorrow (feels good to be needed)


Congrats on 30 days


Monday Gratitudes, 9/11

Grateful for this first cup of coffee. :coffee:
Grateful for a decent night’s sleep.
Grateful I like my new job.
Grateful to my HP for giving me strength and courage every day. :pray:
Grateful for the positive vibe I’m feeling at this moment. :relieved:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a warm shower and that the towels smell wonderful.
I am grateful for food.
I am grateful for WiFi working in my room.
I am grateful I have a comfy bed.


Today I am grateful for

  • doing things despite of today’s depression cloud (shower, decluttering, ebay, cooking, RR meeting, napping, lazy Yin)
  • being a good chef
  • vegetables from mums garden (next summer I will grow some on my teracce too)
  • love, being able to love
  • connecting



Today I am grateful for the roof over my head, a higher power that will never give up on me, a career that provides for my family, two sons that only know me as sober me, and two obese cats that love me as long as i remember to feed them on time.