Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Grateful that my work contract was continued for another year and got more hours.


Today my gratitude is for

  1. I posted my lovely gift to my mum for her birthday on Sunday
  2. For the film I went to see this lunchtime. I cried at one point!
  3. For the strength I feel in my body as I walk down the street.
  4. For a safe roof above my head.
  5. For my jungle of houseplants.

Tuesday Morning Gratitudes, 9/12

Grateful I have the day off today.
Grateful to spend time with my Mom and take her for an outing.
Grateful for inner peace. :pray::relieved:
Grateful for a degree of normalcy in my life again.
Grateful to still be sober. :muscle:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I am inside before the thunder and rain began.
I am grateful for a warm shower and enough food.
I am grateful I donā€™t have to go anywhere tonight.
I am grateful for the hike today.


I am grateful:

  • a smooth tooth extraction. No painkillers needed. Professionals only :yum::grin:
  • having to rest
  • intensive mediation excersise
  • some smiles andā€¦ Some more smiles. Wouhhp.
  • getting to know the sangha :heart:

I am grateful for:

  • my pup Lupe who cuddles with me when Iā€™m not doing great and even sleeps in with me as long as I need.
  • the prospect of my parents visiting in less than a month.
  • making more progress sorting, disposing, and finding places for our stuff.
  • that I can be kind and gentle with myself when I need it (but still have progress to make there!)
  • simply beautiful weather today.

Tuesday gratitudeā€™s

** finding my passport and not having to a. pay for having my Canadian passport mailed to me and b. for not having to file for a lost US passport and have to get a new one issued.
** Spending the day with my brother and parents - being able to be present to celebrate my dadā€™s birthday
** A quick urge for smoking which actually gave me a headache - thank goodness I do not partake in that filthy habit anymore
** Have PT tomorrow - hoping it will alleviate some of the pain I caused by all the driving and walking
** My daily gratitude practice :pray:


I am happy for you! Its always a plesure reading you beautiful!! :heart:


aah thanks love ā€“ hope you are doing well tonight :heart: :hugs:


Grateful for my health who is getting better
(I have a streptococcus, and i have medication since yesterday so I am starting to get better)

Grateful for the beautiful moments i spent with my son today. He knows himself and is able to tell me when he feels uncomfortable. I am so proud.

Grateful for the beautiful relationship i have with my daughter, she wants to do after school activities. I am happy for her and proud of her.

Grateful for my life scheduleā€¦i work and have time for my kids and appointements which is the best for me.

Grateful for my boyfriend who is there for me but who also takes time for himself.

Love my life :heart: its a beautiful day :heart:good night xxx


Wednesday, 5:45 A.M.

Grateful for kitty snuggles.
Grateful my wife is sleeping peacefully next to me.
Grateful for another sober day.
Grateful for the nice day out with my Mom yesterday.
Grateful to my HP for giving me strength and endurance every day. :pray::muscle:


Todayā€™s gratitude is for

  1. That I was strong enough to share at this morningā€™s Al Anon meeting.
  2. Todayā€™s gentle yoga practice followed by coffee with the teacher.
  3. That I had the energy to go to the bigger but further away supermarket so that I could get the really nice cookies there.
  4. My mum for agreeing to a one to one phone call. Quite a lot was said over 40 minutes.
  5. Iā€™m looking forward to listening to another chapter of my audiobook this evening after dinner.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that all I have to do is sleeping, eating, hiking and resting.
I am grateful for simple food.
I am grateful for warm showers.
And although it is often not on time something else doesnā€™t work, I am grateful for public transport.


Today Iā€™m grateful for:

  • the two hour nap I managed this morning after a sleepless night
  • the breakfast I made that filled me with warm feelings
  • the conversation I had early at the beginning of my husbandā€™s daily routine and that when I said ā€œI need to sleep,ā€ he said, ā€œGo do it.ā€
  • that it is still before lunchtime and I can go give Lupe a nice long walk reward for cuddling with me during my nap
  • hopes for a better day today than yesterday

Today I am grateful for:

  • several smiles I spent and received
  • chatting and laughing with 2 people
  • Charlie ā€œthe bossā€
  • having time to rest, as i am very tired
  • tooth extraction feels like fully healed already



Today I am grateful for:

  1. Everyone in my Recovery network
  2. A roof over my head
  3. Being able to Show Up for my son today
  4. Arts & Crafts
  5. Spooky Season!!

Love you all!!


Today I am grateful for.

  1. 50 days without breaking my promises.
  2. 50 days where I was present for my wife and children.
  3. 50 days where I didnā€™t put others or myself in harmā€™s way through drinking.
  4. 50 days that I was able to put the more important things in life ahead of my own selfishness.
  5. 50 days that I visited this group where I leaned that Iā€™m not the only one who suffers, took solice and gained a better understanding of the workings of addiction while picking up some useful coping mechanisms.

Today I am grateful for:

  • confirmation about the financial support for my further education. It was easy. I had luck. And arguments. And so I can study starting in November. After getting the new apartment (in germamy you have to kind of aply for apartments) I hardly can believe all that luck. Jumped around, screamed and laughed like crazy today! And I didnā€™t party by drinking!
  • a swim, alone
  • soup
  • fresh air
  • hopeā€¦ Andā€¦ love

Today my gratitude is for

  1. Having the enough energy and focus to tidy my bedroom today.
  2. The smell of freshly laundered bed linen.
  3. My guitar playing skills coming back. Iā€™m practicing every day.
  4. My parents for being there despite it sometimes being difficult.
  5. My kids for being themselves.

Thursday gratitudeā€™s

  • Ability to be productive today
  • Found the perfect size vibrant reddish orange mum and planted it in front of house (fall feel in the air)
  • PT exercises that I can do at home - some are really helpful
  • TS community
  • prayer and meditation