Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Thursday gratitude’s

  • i’ve made it to 9 months sober from alcohol and weed
  • i no longer have to go to PT
  • my renters need to move out earlier than expected but its fall and it will nicer to work on the house in cooler weather (hopefully not much to do)
  • comedy that gave me so much joy last night while I couldn’t sleep
  • cooler weather on the horizon

Congratulations @JazzyS :sunflower:on your sober time :upside_down_face:

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I slept okay. Actually all week was okay.
I am very grateful that where I work in my company we are working as a team and not against each other.
I am grateful I am going to attend my women’s meeting tomorrow after 7 months :upside_down_face:
I am grateful I have enough.


Thank you Franzi :pray::heart:

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Today I’m grateful for

  1. That I’m not craving alcohol during this depressive phase.
  2. That I’ve started the antidepressants and don’t seem to have any distressing side effects so far. I have to have faith that they will work in time.
  3. The lunchtime yoga class.
  4. A pot of tea by the gas fire.
  5. This gratitude thread for prompting me when I feel gratitude is hard to find.

Grateful for

  1. Being 50 days porn free.
  2. My wonderful wife of 21 years, my better half
  3. My beautiful boys who i make me so happy
  4. Consistent work to take care of my family
  5. I’m not on meds
  6. The delish meal i’m going to eat at lunch to celebrate sobriety.

Today I am grateful for

  • being sober and able to manage a car glitch absolutly calm although the circumstances were a bit crazy (didn’t have any papers, credit card or cash… Just a seasonal pool card :sweat_smile: and 3 €! Will change this behavior from now on!)
  • towing service and insurance
  • grateful or proud, that I raised my voice in the supermarket this morning after a woman made a racistic comment!
  • getting a big fat chrysanthemum as a gift from my aunty for my mum, I will bring over on Sunday
  • roof over head

Congratulations on 9 months @JazzyS :boom:

Today I’m grateful for…

  1. 32 days sober
  2. An awesome sober coach who has given me actionable steps to stay sober, odaat
  3. TLC connections, had a lovely phone call this morning with another TLC member
  4. A nice afternoon walk with my doggos
  5. My dog Henry’s leg x-ray didn’t show anything major, treating for a muscle strain and he is improving
  6. My horse :horse:
  7. A chilly day and a recipe for potato soup which is yummy and warming
  8. Sore fingertips from playing my guitar too much haha
  9. Clean sheets
  10. Nourishment in the form of meditation, food, rest, and connection

Thank you so much.

Grateful that your dog is healing and it wasn’t anything major :pray:


I am grateful I slept well and am hour longer as I went to bed later.
I am grateful it’s the weekend.
I am grateful I am calming down somehow.
I am grateful for a warm and comfortable bed.
I am grateful I have enough.


This morning I am grateful for:

  • clean clear water and icecubes
  • hope
  • the sun combined with fresh air
  • still to be able to love, on and on
  • to open the field of love

I am grateful I woke up without a hangover.
I am grateful for talking with a friend last night. And that she remembered that I wasn’t drinking anymore. It’s strange sometimes that for me it seems so distant and for them as we don’t see eachother often it’s still part of their life.
I am grateful for my bed, food and enough money to buy what I need.
I am grateful being still connected to some people where I was living before where I started my sobriety actually.
I am grateful my friend is asking how I am doing.


Today I am grateful for:

  • My twins
  • My oldest cat is starting to accept the new kitten
  • It’s almost bedtime
  • No work tomorrow
  • My unsettled feelings will most likely be gone tomorrow

I’m grateful for:

  1. (Ever & Always my #1) My Clean Date

  2. Bein’ Alive, Clean & Sober one. more. day.

  3. This BEE-YOO-TEE-FULL, rainy, Pacific Northwest day (seriously, I love 'em).

  4. The opportunity to fulfill my weekly service position at my regular Sunday meeting (comin’ up @ 5:30pm PST)!

  5. My Black & Decker 5-cup coffee maker, Peet’s Big Bang ground coffee & French Vanilla Almond Milk Creamer!



Today 09/24/2023 I am grateful for:

  1. 80 days clean and mostly serene from all substances!!

  2. Pretty flowers I used as inspiration for my doodles.

  3. Cool pens that write well or have funny sayings on them.

  4. The beach/ocean on a rainy day.

  5. 90s R&B.


Sunday Gratitudes:

Grateful for the peaceful and relaxing day off yesterday.
Grateful for a productive and smooth workday today.
Grateful for a furry little critter at home to dote on.
Grateful for the Greek food I’m about to enjoy.
Grateful to be home.

  1. Grateful for the time I spent this morning with my mother and sister.

  2. For the beautiful weekend I had with my kids.

  3. My schedual, I dont work today, so day off to do house cleaning and a little relax time infront of the TV.

  4. For being sober :heart:

  5. For my friends.

I am grateful for the life I have. :heart: simply

Thanks to all of you have a great 24h :heart:


I use the app called presently. Highly recommend


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I got my hair cut at the hairdresser my colleague suggested me. First time in 2 years.
I am grateful I went to the gym. I feel a bit old there but I guess I will be getting used to it.
I am grateful I feel better these days.
I am grateful I have enough.


Today I am grateful for:

  • another night with 7 hours
    of non stop sleep
  • hope
  • healing
  • reflecting what huuuge stress I was in (with this guy too… All this anxiety caused by intuitive bad gut feeling…:woman_facepalming:… Woof, need to recover indead)
  • food
  1. I’m grateful to be 53 days sober.
  2. I’m grateful to still practice mindfulness and stick to my daily plan to stay sober.
  3. I’m grateful that i’m still here.
  4. I’m grateful my wife still loves me.
  5. I’m grateful to be a dad.
  6. I’m grateful that both parents are still alive.