Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Sweet Thursday:

Grateful for a restful night’s sleep.
Grateful my day is going smoothly so far.
Grateful my wife and I both have the day off tomorrow.
Grateful for funny videos on YouTube.
Grateful for solitude when I’m on the road.


Today I’m grateful:

  1. That my back feels good today.
  2. It’s Thursday
  3. For my sobriety
  4. My sober community
  5. For the abundance in my life.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it’s Friday.
I am grateful there is no dog poop on the streets here.
I am grateful I got my bike pedals changed yesterday.
I am I have enough.


I’m grateful for:

  1. My Clean Date (02/21/2023). Without it and without cherishing it more than anything and everything else, nothing is possible.

  2. The NA meeting that my friend and I just left because I got 5 God shots in that meeting. It was incredible.

  3. The beautiful, overcast weather that refrained from raining so I could walk the 3½ miles to the meeting with my friend.

  4. Another buddy who’s graduating, tomorrow, from the same Intensive Outpatient Treatment and Recovery Mentor Program that I did. And I get to attend them both.

  5. Another overcast, nearly full moon night along the downtown Portland waterfront. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


Happy Fried Egg!

Grateful for Honey Nut Cheerios.
Grateful for a nice, smooth, clean shave.
Grateful me and my Mrs. Bloke both have the day off today.
Grateful to have some time to devote to spiritual things.
Grateful for cooler weather.


I’m grateful

  1. My mood has lightened during the course of the day.
  2. A simple early dinner of sausage rolls.
  3. Puzzles and games to take my mind off worrying.
  4. My yoga class today.
  5. My children who are growing up so fast.

I am grateful

  • to feel much more save again with my yoga teacher
  • headache eased up
  • being a woman! Yeah!
  • moving out here soon (it was nice here, but my landlord is a crazy old man and… I got my things halfway packed… Lol, it’s still 3 weeks)
  • pool availability in my area

Grateful today for ~

  1. 39 days sober
  2. Two meetings today already
  3. That I have a treadmill to run on in crappy weather
  4. New friends in New Mexico who want to go to a concert in Santa Fe with me end of October
  5. Finally having a closing date and solid travel plans

“Gratitude is an action word.”

  1. Grateful for my Clean Date (02/21/2023)

  2. Grateful for my predecessors.

  3. Grateful for fellowship with other people who aren’t using and who are doing the next right thing(s) for the right reason(s).

  4. Grateful for the recurring service position that I just got: sharing my experience, strength and hope with addicts who are still in hospitals and institutions.

  5. Grateful for the late-night meeting I’m attending @ 9pm.



I am grateful I arrived at my today’s destination.
I am grateful for my comfy saddle and pedals.
I am grateful for no wind.
I am grateful for a nice room at a decent price.
I am grateful I bought enough food as there is no way I will go anywhere today.


I’m grateful today for

  1. Starting to feel this depression lifting.
  2. That the side effects of the Escitalopram have been minimal so far.
  3. A pot of tea by the fireplace.
  4. That all I need to do this evening is make some pizzas.
  5. A lovely warm shower today.

Today I am grateful for:

  • community, supporting contacts
  • nice and healthy food
  • time for naps
  • time for sports
  • eBay sales

This evening I’m grateful for:

  1. 40 days sober today
  2. My wife didn’t get mad at me for denting her expensive car and actually was laughing about it
  3. My dog Henry’s leg still doing really well and no limping
  4. A call from a sober friend
  5. Good college football game
  • 90 days clean
  • lovely walk with my daughter to watch the
  • beautiful sunset
  • friends who support me
  • an afternoon nap

☆my children
☆game day today w/my family
☆my job
☆my Bible

Day 186 clean and sober!!!


Today, September 30, 2023;

  1. I am grateful for My NA Bowling Crew.
  2. I am grateful for Dad Jokes.
  3. I am grateful for Adventure Time.
  4. I am grateful for Silly Games With My Son.
  5. I am grateful for Breezy Car Drives.

Grateful? Me? Heck yeah, I am! 5 things, you say? Well, then…I am grateful for:

  • My Clean Date (02-21-2023)

  • Hope Not Dope, the meeting I just left

  • This brisk, beautiful, last night of September

  • The ability to walk home 5.2 miles from the meeting I just left (piece o’ cake!:wink::crazy_face:)

  • Music for my walk’s soundtrack


Update: it took me 1 hours & 50 minutes to walk 5.2 miles. Not bad but, certainly, not great. :man_shrugging:t3:


Sunday Gratitudes, 10/01/23

Grateful for a nice date night last night with my Better Half, which consisted of a yummy Mexican food dinner out and watching the sunset at the beach.
Grateful for this quiet morning.
Grateful to be in a good place mentally.
Grateful for coffee. :coffee::slightly_smiling_face:
Grateful for another sober and clear day. :pray:


I am grateful I made it home.
I am grateful for the nice weather and no wind.
I am grateful that my cold is gone.
I am grateful for another two days off.
I am grateful to be sober.


Sunday evening gratitudes

  • lazy day’s
  • healthy nutritional foods
  • fresh brewed coffee
  • orange or cucumber infused water
  • coconut oil helps soothe rashes