Gratitude List. 5 things daily

I’m grateful today for

  1. The yoga studio that is a ten minute walk from my flat.
  2. Homemade kefir.
  3. Escitalopram which is definitely beginning to work.
  4. My lovely kids.
  5. Household appliances that make doing the laundry so much easier.

My partner’s chili con carne
Having a car
Washing machines
Runderwear, so comfy
Fresh bedding


Monday Morning, 10/02/23

Grateful for a chill day off today.
Grateful for the awesome cruise around the harbour on our friend’s boat last night
Grateful for my journal.
Grateful for quiet time to myself this morning.
Grateful to have just what we need, and not wanting for more.


Grateful I went to the gym.
Grateful for afternoon napping.
Grateful being sober.
Grateful that I don’t feel like giving up. Not yet.
Grateful tomorrow is off.


I am grateful for:

  1. Being able to get to the gym
  2. A productive day at work
  3. My children are happy
  4. My new scented candle
  5. A no spend day

Monday evening gratitude

my renters moved out and left the house in decent shape inside

my aunt has a great landscaping guy that can tidy up the yard as my renters let everything grow wild.

for my families support

was able to see and briefly talk with some of my old neighbors

Irrigation system valve was not faulty and the tech did not charge me to re- blow out the sprinklers.


Today I am grateful for:

  • being sober, 32 days and today
  • community (TS and refuge recovery, sangha)… So, a community that understands me. That doesn’t question if I realy (!) drank too much. I was in hell. And nobody out of this circle noticed. So I am grateful for understanding and support!
  • nature and feeling more energized
  • pool availability in my area
  • moving soon

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a warm shower.
I am grateful for an apartment I like.
I am grateful I went for a nice hike today.
I am grateful it’s only 3 days until vacation. :upside_down_face:


I’m grateful today for

  1. Groceries that will be delivered later today.
  2. Good conversation with my daughter discussing house rules.
  3. Lovely light today.
  4. The feel of the cold wind in my hair.
  5. The autumnal sound of the leaves rustling in the wind.

For the smell of morning coffee
Not waking up “sick”
Crisp ocean air
Not needing someone just to have someone
Shelter, food, this forum…


Gratitude today:

Compassionate healthcare professionals
Yogi tea bags
The love of cooking from scratch
Sleep is magnificent, truly, so grateful that we sleep
The ability to move my body and exercise


Today my 5 things would be:

  1. A lot of nice chats at work
  2. Trying 2 new machines at the gym
  3. My aching legs aren’t scaring me, they are a sign of a work out, not a chronic fatigue crash
  4. Meeting interesting people in the sauna
  5. My husband and I are on the mend from our cold (and noone else caught it)

I hope in the right way :pray::crossed_fingers::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::woozy_face:


Haha, I nearly didn’t write that one as it sounded so weird :rofl: There are certainly some ‘interesting’ characters in there most of the time!


Hey guys,

I just saw this thread and thought it was a good one to follow and contribute to.

In no particular order, 5 things I am grateful for today:

  • Being sober (alcohol) for over 8 weeks
  • The miracle of greatly-improved physical health and fitness, thank you Lord!
  • The gift of greatly-improved mental health since I became sober, which considering my past issues is an absolute miracle
  • The loyalty and support of my family and friends
  • The joy I am getting from finally taking time out to work on creative projects after years of having little joy in anything I did

Thanks and I look forward to reading more of your gratitude lists, I hope they bring you peace and healing.

Encouragement and blessings from Australia :heart: :koala: :kangaroo: :sunny:


I am always grateful for your lovely Australian emojis, always make me smile :blush:


Grateful for.

  1. A pool lane that was open, and i left alot of my struggles right there in the pool.
  2. Being Clean 62 days, cherishing my sobriety, staying away from anything that’s not safe.
  3. My God, who is merciful and gracious
  4. My wife, who is patient, loving, and just overall AWESOME.
  5. Grateful that i could just lay in the bed for 2 hours with my wife while the kids are busy and watch our shows, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Challenge.
  6. Grateful for my protein packed chicken and shrimp dinner.
  7. Grateful that i have a boss that doesn’t micromanage me.
  8. Grateful to be a dad, my boys make me so happy.
  9. Grateful I’m not on medication to get through the day.
  10. Grateful for Talking Sober, an Oasis in a dark world

Grateful to live near a pharmacy, Dr, dentist and small shop
Grateful for free online meetings
Grateful for a partner who books treats for us as I’m not very splashy with the cashy (a lifelong issue from my upbringing)
Grateful for plants
Grateful to have slept well…


Wednesday Morning Grats:

Grateful for another day to earn income for us.
Grateful for “no kill” animal shelters, where we adopted our beloved Yoshi.
Grateful for early morning feline greetings: purrs, mrps, head boops and biscuits on our pillows.
Grateful I’m fitting in at the new job.
Grateful for strength and endurance. :pray:


Aaaah, there is something so special about a cat making biscuits on you :black_cat: