Gratitude List. 5 things daily

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I slept better than yesterday.
I am grateful that the mosquito I killed yesterday morning was the one in my bedroom :partying_face:
I am grateful that I donā€™t know war or being homeless myself.
I am grateful I have enough.


Iā€™m grateful

  1. That i actually got a good nights rest, despite my 2 year old hitting me in the head with a monster truck (lol!)
  2. Grateful for my 2 boys, hilarious every single day.
  3. Grateful to hear my 4 year oldā€™s voice, he told me he loved me yesterday and i thought ā€œiā€™m doing something rightā€
  4. Grateful for my Baking Wife of 21 years, itā€™s like living in a bakery
  5. Grateful that despite my body shaming issues, iā€™m working on it every single day
  6. Grateful to be 63 days sober
  7. Grateful to look forward to 12 days from now celebrating 75 days sober with a tasty restaurant.

5 month mark today
Waking up in a comfortable bed
My cat
Not having to worry about how I will get to my meeting
Being able to post this


Thursday Gratitudes

Grateful for this relaxing day offā€¦just wish it wasnā€™t so hot outside today!
Grateful to spend the morning with positive people.
Grateful for the yummy steak burrito for lunch at Snapper Jackā€™s Taco Shack.
Grateful for the strength my HP gives me every day.
Grateful for another sober day and a clear head.


I am grateful for

  1. My cat choosing to join me in bed
  2. A lovely hour spent in the pub, completely sober
  3. My daughter having an amazing day
  4. My brother sending me a funny joke
  5. My sonā€™s sense of humour

I am grateful I slept okay.
I am grateful my sugar is getting better. Itā€™s predictable now.
I am grateful I often like my boring life. I need stability and routine is giving me this.
I am grateful itā€™s the last day before vacations.
I am grateful I have enough.


5 things I am grateful for today:

  • Waking up naturally and being able to get up at 5:30am without a headache
  • The increased fitness to enjoy 3.5 hours of good pace walking this morning
  • Meeting up with 2 sober buddies for lunch near the beach tomorrow
  • Church and friends on Sunday
  • Celebrating 2 months sober on Sunday :partying_face:

I. AM. Grateful. For:

  • Ever & Always, First & Foremost: my Clean Date (02/21/2023)

  • The ability, physically, to walk 4.4 miles to and 4.4 miles from my Thursday meeting

  • Newcomers because ā€œwe can only keep what we have by giving it awayā€

  • The MANY inspirational and uplifting predecessors

  • My willingness to try my best to be humble and receive the abundance of messages that come my way, day after day


I am grateful I donā€™t need public transport for work. Would kill me.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have an apartment I can afford.
I am grateful for clothes and food.
I grateful for one week off.


Gratitude list, 5 things:

  • My Clean Date (02/21/2023). Who woulda thunk it? :thinking::crazy_face:

  • Comic books. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • People gettinā€™ vulnerable at a meeting. Thatā€™s. true. strength!

  • Sore muscles. Cuz then I know Iā€™m still alive (now, whereā€™s that Tylenol?:thinking::rofl:)

  • 82Ā° days in October! Whatā€™s goinā€™ on 'round here?!? I dunno but Iā€™ll take it!


Today Iā€™m grateful for

  1. That I can still see the beauty of such a dull and rainy day.
  2. That the horrible feelings I woke up with have dissipated.
  3. Our Saturday pizza night routine.
  4. Both my lovely kids.
  5. Being cosy by the fire.

I missed gratefulness threadā€¦
So letā€™s go again.

Today I am grateful for:

  • a swim
  • connecting via TS and RR sangha
  • no impatient guy waiting after shower
  • sensitive skin care
  • my bed

Ok that was hard today.


Time to myself not having to accomplish/be productive
Hubbys birthday tomorrow
Hot Showers whenever i want
Boscoe and his attitude


I am grateful to be sober
I am grateful for my twins
I am grateful that tomorrow I will drive to the mountains nearby
I am grateful for Cori the kitten on my lap
I am grateful I took old clothes to Goodwill and got rid of old food from the cupboards today
I am grateful for my job


Heeeeeeere I am, again . . . ā€œYouā€™re welcomeā€ or ā€œIā€™m sorryā€, whichever you (yes, you) feel would be more appropriate for me to say, if either, before I list my (drum roll, please): :drum:

5 Things Iā€™m Grateful For:

  • Iā€™m sure this first oneā€™s gonna ā€œshockā€ everyone :roll_eyes: ā€¦ My Clean Date (02/21/2023)

  • The FIRE Speaker Meeting I just left ā€¦ the 1st speaker has 34 years Clean & the 2nd speaker has 47 years Clean! :exploding_head:

  • One of my good acquaintances who let me play with her 1-year old son after the Speaker Meeting Itā€™s good to earn that trust and get some of that positive liā€™l kid energy!

  • My sponsor ā€¦ for helping to guide me on this life-changing journey Iā€™m taking

  • Another gorgeous October night! And you best. believe. that Iā€™m walkinā€™ home!




The creamy coloured German Shepherd at the beach, good sloppy cuddles with him.

Sea air and the joy of the ocean

Sober reality, itā€™s amazing.

Face masks

:sun_with_face: In October


I am grateful for being in my own bed. I like my apartment.
I am grateful for the swan I saw today with the tail up and the head down. It made me smile.
I am grateful for mostly effortless cycling due to the wind.
I am grateful for food in my fridge and a warm shower.
I am grateful to be sober.


Today Iā€™m struggling with gratitude which is the best time to practice it, or so I gather.

  1. I had the energy and motivation to make a tasty dinner that we all enjoyed.
  2. The cosiness of the gas fire.
  3. My physical health.
  4. This community.
  5. My guitar.

Sunday Gratitudes:

Grateful my day is going as smooth as butter.
Grateful for a quiet lunch break right now.
Grateful for the opportunity yesterday to brush up my Spanish with a co-worker.
Grateful I have NEXT Sunday off.
Grateful for my job.


My relationship with Jesus
My Family
My Health
My Job
My Sobriety