Gratitude List. 5 things daily

we’ve been so busy lately, it’s like my pool time has once again been squeezed away. Hopefully i can get in tomorrow at some point.


I hope that you can as well :blush:

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Wednesday Grats 11/01

Grateful I made it 2 years sober now, with no relapses. :pray:
Grateful I have two days off in a row.
Grateful for delicious, homemade split pea soup :yum:.
Grateful to get some rest today. Yesterday was a bit brutal for me.
Grateful to be healthy and alive.


Able to take my partner on memorably experiences instead of days I would rather forget.
Having limited money these days but still better spent than wasting the last penny on drink and drugs.
Weather, rain or shine who cares life is what you make it.
Different work hours giving me free time for others.
Learning patience in times of need and spotting my selfish behaviour and the ability to change on the spot.


Congrats on those 2 years :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


congrats on your 2 years William! Keep up the amazing work

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Today I’m grateful

  • for the cooler weather
  • the week is almost over
  • my friend from CA is coming to visit again this weekend
  • for my sobriety
  • for the serenity in my life

Wednesday gratitude’s

  • had a great night with friends for Halloween (even if the trunk or treating has totally taken over this area we got 0 kids last night).
  • Naps
  • almond vanilla yogurt with gf granola
  • leftovers
  • first sober Halloween

Thursday’s gratitudes

  1. Thankful for the big hug from my 4 year old at 5am this morning (kept jumping in our bed, i kept putting him back, finally i just gave him a big hug and put him in our bed, i was exhausted, but i just love him so it’s all good.
  2. Thankful my wife is finally getting some rest this morning
  3. I’m exhausted, but thankful to have a job.
  4. Thankful for TS, helping me always focus on keeping my sobriety and being thankful.
  5. Thankful for my hot shower.

Thursday gratitude’s - I am so grateful for…

  • my doctor approved some tests and referrals.
  • got to spend an hour with my sis and bil
  • no snow yet (thankfully) - not ready for it yet
  • honey dijon kettle chips
  • aspartame free pickled sushi ginger :yum:

Today I am grateful for:

  • My sponsor being at the lunchtime meeting I went to today
  • My new car that doesn’t need gas. It has a lot of nice safety features
  • My cats that always make me feel better
  • My son came home from school sick and I had a work from home day so was here for him
  • My job that pays the bills so that I have enough

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have access to clean water, food and energy.
I am grateful I had education almost for free.
I am grateful I was not born in poverty.
I am grateful I have enough.


I know the relief that can bring, so pleased you are getting the right care. Hope it goes well :pray:

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This morning I am grateful for:

  1. Fresh air coming in through the window
  2. A half day
  3. My husband chatting away merrily with my parents in the background (I am still hiding in bed)
  4. The coffee I am hiding in bed with
  5. 50 days today, and knowing in my bones that this time is the one!

Thank you…it is definitely a relief :blush:

50 days!! So amazing my friend :muscle::clap::clap:
Keep enjoying that hot cup of coffee in your safe space :people_hugging:


I am grateful:

  • to be sober
  • roof over head
  • the study / education started nice
  • to know a cold is going over
  • silence

Thanks, Jazz. :slightly_smiling_face:


The Black Bean burger I made, it was absolutely banging
Fresh filtered water
Holiday countdown klaxon starts in 3 hours
Love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
That I have mainly packed everything


Friday’s grateful’s

  • My inlaws came over and we had a good time. My kids always ‘turn up’ when there around.
  • my kids wanted ‘daddy rocket ship’ so i have one on my shoulders, one i’m holding as i speed through the house. MEMORIES.
  • The Swimming Pool. Did a 18 minute swim and it was glorious. First swim so i really didn’t have that “V8” , more like a 4-Cylinder this morning, but it’s all good.
  • Glad my wife is getting back to normal after surgery
  • Glad it’s friday!
  • The Countdown is offically started before my vacation, we are less than 30 days now!

Today’s gratitude is for

  1. My good physical health.
  2. My improved mental health.
  3. My creativity.
  4. My children.
  5. My yoga practice.