Gratitude List. 5 things daily

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a long weekend.
I am grateful I fell asleep again.
I am grateful I can drop my thoughts here.
I am grateful I have enough. It’s hard to recognise this some days.


I am grateful to have my job despite I have to work today and I rather not

I am grateful for my early alonetime with coffee and cat in the morning

I am grateful for my health

I am grateful for my creative mind that let me create things

I am grateful to recieve my Tanzanite crystal pendant today :hugs: :blue_heart:


And I always love this in your list.
Such a good reminder creating a relaxed feeling.

I am grateful:

  • I have enough ;))
  • being able to deal with feelings, also the hard ones
  • my niece and how cool she is :partying_face:
  • the weather
  • breakfast

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have the means to enjoy little things in life. Going to the cinema or a museum.
I am grateful the relationship to my mother is okay atm. As long as we keep expectations low. Sounds meaner than it’s meant.
I am I slept well.
I am grateful for audiobooks.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful the sun is shining today.
I am grateful I can do what I want today and don’t feel stressed.
I am grateful I slept 7 hours.
I am grateful I have enough.


Monday Grats 11/06

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for chilly mornings.
Grateful for snuggles from our cat.
Grateful to have a job I like.
Grateful we have just enough.



Monday Grats 11/6

  • Grateful for my beautiful wife. She’s the best.
  • Grateful i get to drop my son off to school most days.
  • Grateful i’m fighting to be sober and actually change how my brain functions.
  • Grateful to not be stressed out at work
  • Grateful to be alive.

Today I’m grateful for

  • the delicious chicken I made for dinner
  • the comfy bed I have
  • my sobriety
  • the abundance in my life
  • this sober community
  • I’m grateful for my good health so I can walk in nature to keep myself grounded
  • I’m grateful for the blue sky and that little autumn sun so I can go out for a walk
  • I’m grateful for the roses I bought yesterday to cheer me up
  • I’m grateful for my day off today
  • I’m grateful to be alive and sober

Today I’m grateful

  • for my sobriety
  • that I was able to workout this morning
  • that it’s Wednesday
  • for a good night sleep
  • for a delicious meal at lunch

Today’s gratitudes

  • Grateful i get to go back to my religious meeting tonight, kiddos/wife have been sick, nice little reunion
  • grateful i got my heart monitor to actually work today
  • grateful my job doesn’t stress me out
  • Grateful i have a happy marriage and actually get to raise my kids
  • Grateful for my flexible schedule.
  • Grateful to be alive and sober.
  • I am grateful for a second chance at life
  • I am thankful for the love and support my family gives me on my journey of life and recovery
  • I am grateful for the program that I applied myself too that helped me and saved my life
  • I am thankful for my children
  • I am grateful for waking up this morning and another sober day down. :two_hearts:

Sweet Thursday Grats…

Grateful for the awesome day off yesterday with my Mrs. Bloke.
Grateful for fine art and good food on the above-mentioned day off.
Grateful for sunsets.
Grateful for spiritual well-being.
Grateful to have enough.


Today I am grateful for

  • my dad’s relaxed and shining face, when he was dead, the time we had and his humor and coolness, that is in my mind now
  • family connection to rely on
  • my brother
  • that we arranged everything according to his wishes today and it will be enough time till the funerals
  • my new bed (had to exchange the other one, now everything is fine) and the power to proceed this all today in meditative step by step way

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a hot water bottle when the water cooled down a little.
I am grateful for having a home.
I am grateful cycle started.
I am grateful I have enough.

  • I am grateful for coffee
  • I am grateful for the changed bed with this simple, real hard slatted frame from ikea
  • I am grateful for learning
  • I am grateful for hot showers
  • I grateful to be with my mum again today and c what we can do. Probably just living and doing “things” :heart:

Today I am grateful for

  1. Clean sheets on my bed.
  2. My physical good health.
  3. My regular yoga practice.
  4. My children.
  5. The cosy fireplace.

1 I am Grateful the weather is holding for the siding crew to get my house done. 2 more days and it’s DONE! YaY!
1 I am Grateful my husband cleaned this pig of a stove so I can bake him lots of yummy things. ( I personally dont care for names goods nor do I eat sugar)
3 I am Grateful for my Volunteer work at the Food Bank. It’s very fulfilling.
4 I am Grateful that we are getting closer to ski season, hopefully my knees don’t fail me!
5 I am Grateful that I continue to be sober and and have found my strength to quit drinking.
Good Day to Ya’ll :grin:

I call it PamelaAnderson …it’s pretty but useless :rofl::rofl:


Today I am grateful for:

  • silence
  • coffee and a reliable nice bed
  • famous family
  • practice
  • time

Today I’m thankful for

My supportive loving wife
My kiddos, so full of life
My god Jehovah, merciful and kind
A roof over my head
The weekend!
100 days sober and counting