Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Today I am grateful for:

  • silence
  • coffee and a reliable nice bed
  • famous family
  • practice
  • time

Today Iā€™m thankful for

My supportive loving wife
My kiddos, so full of life
My god Jehovah, merciful and kind
A roof over my head
The weekend!
100 days sober and counting


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for food and my home.
I am so grateful for a good and natural chat with a former colleague last night.
I am grateful for warm showers.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful I went for a walk before the rain will start later today.
I am grateful I feel better now. Have some mild flu symptoms.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am that there are people I can talk with. I forget about it as often conversations here are so much like chewing gum.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a warm shower.
I am grateful I learned again that we donā€™t have receptors for wetness and mix up wet and cold. This explains a lot.
I am grateful for candles.
I am grateful I have enough.


Grateful for hot tea
Grateful for candles and scents
Grateful I can feel even remotely grateful
Grateful for getting my dinner cooked for me
Grateful for sleep


Today Iā€™m grateful forā€¦

  1. My life
  2. My family
  3. AA
  4. My health
  5. The new opportunity to do the things in a different direction

Tuesday night gratitudeā€™s

  • for coffee time with my mom
  • went to the dentist after 8 years and surprisingly everything is ok (just a sore mouth from the cleaning - was hard on my TMJ)
  • for a healthy dinner of pan fried veggies with rice and beans
  • the ease of shopping on line when i canā€™t find what i need anywhere
  • MRI showed benign cyst. It is growing fairly quickly so surgery is now an option.


  1. Its not as hot as the surface of the sun today.
  2. My cat Inky
  3. I have enough.
  4. Food and shelter
  5. A good nights sleep

I am grateful I slept so much better.
I am grateful I took care of myself yesterday and will today.
I am grateful my sugar is not too much affected by this cold.
I am grateful for a warm bed.
I am grateful I have enough.


Thursday evening gratitude

  • i realized in time that i had a deadline for tomorrow that i needed to meet (i was thinking it was next Friday) - got it all done without stressing out.
  • to have time this weekend to get prep started for next week - will be hosting Friendsgiving
  • got the right guage jewelry for my piercings after a failed attempt. time for a change - had some of the same pieces for over 2 decades now
  • got a few low ball rental offers for my home rental and i was able to decline. I do not have to give in just yet - the rental season will pick up in a few weeks for the new year factory workers and grad students
  • going to bed tired. a productive day always feels good.

Thursday Gratā€™s ā€¦

  1. I am Grateful for one more sober day. I look forward to the next one.
  2. I am Grateful for the session with my therapist this morning, it went really well and opened my eyes about some of my behaviors. The new location was a little unsettling but I will settle in.
  3. I am Grateful I didnā€™t lose my noodle on the T.V., Starlink router, dish or my phone when I got home to No Internet Connection! Iā€™m technologically challenged at the best of times but this crap today was just stupid! If I had been drinking ā€¦ all of it would have been smashed!
    Thank-you sobriety :clap:. Things are working now, still no idea wtf went wrong or how it got fixed.
  4. I am Grateful I didnā€™t call my husband and freak out on him for the above shit show. I am breaking the pattern of overreacting when things go wrong.
  5. I am Grateful for this community. I find yaā€™ll incredibly supportive, kind and interesting. Iā€™m learning how to navigate my sobriety from everyoneā€™s experiences and the advice given, I appreciate that. :purple_heart:
    Forever Grateful

I keep meaning to post on this thread. With my tendency to constantly moan, I sometimes lose track of the good things in my life. Without further ado, today Iā€™m grateful forā€¦

  1. My ridiculously cute dog. Regardless of how I feel, just looking at his silly little face always makes me smile.

  2. My husband, whoā€™s been with me for the past 5 years and stuck by me through thick and thin even when I gave him really good reasons to cut his loses call it quits. He also cooks and does most of the grocery shopping. Iā€™m soooo grateful thatā€™s something I never need to worry about.

  3. This community for always having my back.

  4. My sobriety. No matter how shitty I feel, I always know a bottle (or 10) of wine can make it 10x worse. Iā€™m grateful I realised that before one of many blackout drunk incidents turned into a more permanent blackout.

  5. Iā€™m grateful I have plenty of work to moan about. That means Iā€™m doing something with my life.


Today I am grateful for:

  • Catching up with an old friend via video call
  • A little hike with a flatmate
  • Being sober
  • Approaching people I felt drawn to approach
  • Caringā€¦

Saturday Gratsā€¦

Grateful for the change in weather.
Grateful to hear the gentle rain outside our bedroom window all night long.
Grateful for how awesome the sky looks this morning. Wish I had time to take some pics.
Grateful for ZERO traffic coming to work this morning.
Grateful my Mom survived her first day of physical therapy yesterday.



I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful itā€™s Sunday, raining and I can stay in bed have a coffee for some time.
I am grateful I have enough food and a roof over my head.
I am grateful I have a job that pays my bills.
I am grateful I have enough.


Been a little while but feeling greatful again so here goes.

I am greatful for being clean of drink and gambling.
I am greatful for family and friends ( and cat beanie) support.
I am greatful for the outdoors where i can enjoy the small things like a sunrise or walk.
I am greatful for my work that allows me to be free to pursue things that help my mental health.
Last of all im greatful for this community for being here anytime of day for help or reassurance.


I am grateful for

  • My twins
  • My Sunday womens meeting
  • That I have enough
  • My cat Cori on my lap
  • My sobriety

I am grateful to be sober. Reading around, reflecting on the past I cannot imagine how I did back then.
I am grateful for the sun today.
I am grateful for some cardio in the gym.
I am glad I found a good Christmas calendar for work.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful that even though I have a heightened level of stress, worry, and anxiety, and that my body is not reacting to these things well, and that my sleep is being effected, that I am able to recognize that I donā€™t need to turn to poor decisions to cope.

I am grateful that I have the first feeling of gratitude when I lack three more.