Gratitude List. 5 things daily

Swimming pools
Central heating
Hot tea
Comfy bed


Happy Fried Egg :fried_egg:, everyone. Here are my gratsā€¦

Grateful the workday is over.
Grateful to be off the road and out of traffic now.
Grateful I have a whole weekend off this week.
Grateful for coffee. :coffee:
Grateful I can deal with crap without needing alcohol.


Loved your gratitude list


Monday Gratitudesā€¦

  • My Family. What a treasure my wife/2 boys are.
  • Both my parents are still alive
  • I have a home and a working vehicle.
  • iā€™m not on medication
  • iā€™m fighting my addiction, i have great days/weeks so celebrate it and dont just focus on the issues.

I am Grateful I survived my little cold, lol!
I am Grateful I cooking again ā€¦ I like to eat!
I am Grateful hubby is back on the patching and painting walls kick! Need to get this crap finished.
I am Grateful Epicure is Gluten Free and itā€™s good doesnā€™t make my stomach blow up!!!
I am Grateful for my on going Sobriety and that I have enough :purple_heart:


Monday Grats 11/27ā€¦

Grateful I got off work early today (started at 6:00 A.M.).
Grateful I got a haircut tonight.
Grateful for a smooth day.
Grateful I won the raffle at work this morning: a gift card for Subway.
Grateful for coffee. :coffee:


Today Iā€™m grateful

  • that Iā€™m only working 2 days this week
  • that my brother will be home on Thursday and I wonā€™t be responsible for 4 dogs
  • for my sobriety
  • for the clarity I have in my life
  • for the abundance and love

My Oodie, itā€™s getting cold here.
Comfy winter eats
My new kindleā€¦.yeah I did
The strengthening of my body from swimming
My optimism


-The beautiful relationship beteween my partner and our toddler. Watching them brings me so much joy.
-Early morning trips to the park.
-Time to meditate
-Clear, blue skies


@SelfLove_42 Iā€™m grateful that you still have your parents. What Iā€™d do to be able to just hold them and talk to mine again.

@Chuckie22 Iā€™m grateful that you found a gluten free option. Being celiac is so hard sometimes. The world hasnā€™t yet made our difficult journey easy.

@WilliamBloke I am grateful for your win, even little ones go a long way. I am a sucker for anything with the word free in it :grin:

@DanaM56 I am grateful for your free time this week, it gives you the opportunity to be creative. (See told you I liked anything with the word free in it)

@Tragicfarinelli Iā€™m grateful for your optimism. Being positive rubs off on others and creates a joyful environment that surrounds us with happiness.

@nemzy Iā€™m grateful for your burritos. Anything mexican food really. Now Iā€™m getting hungry.


Today Iā€™m grateful
-for my sobriety

  • that my brother comes home in 36 hours
  • that I get a few days in the mountains before I go home
  • that my work day is over
  • for this wonderfully empathetic community

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for dry cold.
I am grateful I rested today.
I am grateful for an uneventful week so far.
I am grateful I have enough.


The opportunity to realise things about myself
The chance to change
The option to pause and not bite
ACOA help


ā˜†my supportive loving family
ā˜†my job
ā˜†a a homemade hot dinner
ā˜†Christmas music


-Having the patience to manage toddler tantrums.
-My sparkly Christmas tree.
-Having energy when I wake up.
-A relaxing afternoon at the beach.
-Having dinner cooked for me :slightly_smiling_face:


Grateful that my brother decided to visit us at Christmas with his family.

Grateful our kids still come home ones a week while living on their own.

Grateful to have a good outcome of the test for breastcancer :confetti_ball:

Grateful for being sober

Grateful for the invitation for a 80ā€™s party within 2 weeks.



Friday Grats for 12/01ā€¦

Grateful the work day is over.
Grateful I didnā€™t get trapped in the elevator again!
Grateful Mom is away at my Sisterā€™s for a few days.
Grateful for CAWFEE. :coffee:
Grateful I still like my job. I passed my probation period and now have full benefits.

Life is good. :pray:


Not a bad day to sling some gratitude out in the world so here goes

1, for this community its amazing to have answers to questions or just something to read for support 24hrs a day

2, for my family who have stayed strong even through all the crap i put them through.

3, for my health honestly shocked i still have it and probably the healthiest ive been since 19

4, for a roof over my head and food in my belly

5, for being able to appreciate the small things and to empathise with people who are struggling and help rather than focusing on me.


Todayā€™s gratitude is for

  1. My physical health. I feel strong in my body.
  2. My mental health. Iā€™ve made improvements this week.
  3. My central location, close to many shops, markets etc.
  4. Friendships. Iā€™ve had a couple of meetings with friends recently that Iā€™ve found very therapeutic.
  5. My creativity. It has helped me through some dark times.

I am grateful for this sunny Sunday and having gone out in the snow for a walk.
I am grateful for food in the fridge.
I am somehow grateful I realised yesterday that I feel homesick.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have enough.