Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 1)

Hell yeah :love_you_gesture:. And the money too. They were up to $10.00 a pack in PA. Not sure how much they were where your at.


150 days no tobacco
Smoking bad
Fresh air good


Way to gooooo @Curtis-81 you’re really doing this thing!!

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That’s awesome Curtis – 150 days and going strong! Fresh air good - i like it and hell yeah it is!

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Thank you very much CJ and Jasmine. The ass kicking that you ladies do has inspired me to do some ass kicking of my own.


Midmonth milestone


Strong work CJ! :muscle: The amount of money you have saved so far is amazing. :no_smoking:


Smoking bad
Fresh air good


WAY TO GO Curtis!! 5 months is impressive work – grateful to see you continuing to add up the days :muscle:

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Yay you Curtis! Awesome work friend! Smoking is Stupid. Quitting is Smart.


Yeah buddy! That’s a beaut right there.

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Just loved the number :wink:


Oooooo nice catch @JazzyS keep leading the way sis

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thanks love - i’m glad i caught this in time this afternoon

That number is really neat. :grin::+1: And a super impressive amount of time. :no_smoking::muscle:

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Thanks friend :pray:. I am pretty geeked about it :blush:

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OK you guys, i am ready to quit smoking cigarettes. i just finished my last one in the pack and i just wanna start cold turkey tomorrow. i REALLY want to stop. i’m ready for new life. using cigarettes is a serious drain on my energy and finances, it’s a dishonor to my body, it’s in opposition to my spirit, it maintains mental distortion and negatively impacts the quality of my voice - as a professional singer that is just a crazy thing to continue to allow.

i don’t really have a plan, but i just know i would rather stop now than make another excuse to buy a pack tomorrow and yet again delay the inevitable. declaring this here for accountability! 131 days alcohol free today and i need to break this next chain. advice, support, insight, encouragement, anything will be so graciously received and greatly appreciated! i want to be an ex-smoker like all you amazing wayshowing warriors. i really do. :muscle:t4:


Great choice. I quit just about 4 months ago, and feel really good. It’s hard at first, but we’re doing it with the alcohol so same triggers and strategies for getting past them.
I’m quitting smoking thanks to a great hypnosis app from Surf City Apps! Check it out! Quit Smoking Hypnosis | Surf City Apps
@JazzyS sent me this meditation awhile back it helped :v:


I gave up cigarettes for Fast that started Sunday. The mental cravings and nonstop headache are KILLER!!! Lollipops! Lollipops are about the only thing getting me through so far!


Great news Julia. Drink lots of water and as with addiction - make sure to keep yourself busy.

I personally found the hypnosis app that Joe mentioned to be very helpful. So happy to hear that it helped you too @Jasty2 You don’t have to pay for the upgrade (just takes longer to get through the introduction).
I also chewed a piece of 2mg nicorette -alternating with gum.

We are here cheering you on … Just take it odaat! :muscle:t4: