Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

I love you guys! @Mno @JazzyS @JasonFisher @Curtis-81 you guys are awesome and made my day! Thanks for your support along my nic free journey thus far. I was just coming on to post my 1yr screenshot and you guys were already congratulating me. Brought so much gratitude to my heart. This community is fricken awesome!

I celebrate 1 year free from nicotine today. I was either smoking or vaping for the last 20 years and damn it feels good to be free from the chains of addiction. Last year i would have driven to my family reunion seperate just to vape nonstop. This year i rode with my aging folks and had a blast. (Tried to hide my vaping from fam.) In the before time i couldnt have even fathomed a roadtrip with out vaping. i was present at my family reunion and not constantly thinking about my next fix. My lung capacity is awesome. Im not fricken vaping in my office at work in shame because i needed a hit every hour. I dont have to excuse myself outside in the freezing cold winter this fall
i dont have to steal puffs in the public/private bathroom. I had such shame from being so addicted.

Now Im the healthiest ive been in my entire life. Thanks to this forum and AA. im so stinkin greatful.

Smoking/vaping bad
Fresh air good

Keep rockin the nicotine free life my peeps!


Congratulations on 1 year nicotine free!


Congrats!! You are an absolute rockstar. Im only 11 days in and i already feel so much better and free. Thanks for being an amazing inspiration!!


Thanks @tailee17 and @KaitSmith im glad i can inspire bc the people on here with more time gave me hope too. Its possible just dont pick up no matter what


Hi thereā€¦could you share a bit more about the forum you used? is it an app? I want today to be my day 1 :blush:


Youā€™re certainly inspiring me! Turned back to cigarettes to handle stress after quitting alcohol and Iā€™m really unhappy about it. Have to ditch this horrible habit / addiction. :pray:

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Long time no see Anna, nice to see you and congrats on your decision to quit smoking! Be sure itā€™s possible but youā€™re right that peer support is invaluable as it is with fighting all addictions. Unfortunately the forum I used nine years ago does not longer exist. Iā€™m not sure where you are in the world right now, thereā€™s some good forums in the USA but the big ones are USA only and exclude people from elsewhere. But Iā€™m sure there are others around, youā€™ll just have to look a bit. This thread is helpful too. And as with all addictions mindset is key. Mindset, knowledge and peer support is what got me through. Never again.
Again, so nice to see you and wishing you all success with fighting this one too Anna.

Just looked up my numbers. Nine years approaching, this one is pleasing to the eye I feel :upside_down_face:


Congrats on the amazing numbers! Iā€™ll stick to this forum then, as Iā€™m waaay outside the US, right in the middle of the middle east. Smoking is so prevalent here, it really is astounding.

I started with the ā€œmaybe just one puffā€ last June under massive stress and more than a year and many packs later the addiction is on its way to become progressively worse, I know.

Right now I feel like there is a rock inside my chest. Itā€™s not a good feeling on so many levels. Iā€™ve been smoking only when Iā€™m alone. If there is any question that it is a bad thing, itā€™s surely cleared bt the fact that I keep doing it in secrecy because itā€™s my ā€œbig bad dark secretā€ and Iā€™m ā€œgoing to quit tomorrowā€. Or next week. Or when Iā€™m not so stressed.

Iā€™ve managed 3 weeks in June/July, while traveling with the family. But came back home alone and it started all over again. Iā€™ve reset my counter and hope this time it sticks. :pray:


hey everyone congrats to us all. iā€™m on day 2 nicotine free. it has been a lot of stop-start since i became dedicated to quitting about a month or two ago - now it feels serious. a lot of people in my family have had grave health complications recently, which has compelled me in a more urgent way to commit to better habits. not to mention i literally just want to live a better life. obviously my toxic affair with cigarettes has reached the end.

yesterday was full of compulsive thoughts of smoking, but i never picked up. it just feels ridiculous at this point. so today no matter what thoughts come in that say ā€œjust go get some damn cigarettes!! please!! it can be the last pack!! i promise!!ā€ iā€™m just gonna remember to assume the position that this is ridiculous logic and iā€™m smarter and better than that. like i need to give myself credit that i am a great decision maker, and use that against the bad decisions that beg to be made thru me.

i have been an addict for so long that this recovery is also long and difficult but certainly not impossible and i can absolutely 100% do it. and seeing you guys here and your stories and accomplishments just drives the point home for me. thank you!


hey i made it to the end of day 2! definitely considered smoking, moved thru some discomfort, mostly just went about my day without much of any psychodrama. i do feel wobbly like, whoa, new realityā€¦ā€¦but i know itā€™s gonna be a better one so ima stick with it. :pray:t4::muscle:t4:


Hey girl ā€“ that is awesome news ā€“ 2 days strong! It does get better-- We got you :muscle: Keep pushing through the cravings :heart:

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Great jobbbbbb!! The first few days were the worst for me! Tomorrow is 2 weeks and i honestly cant believe it!! Im enjoying smelling good and trying to incorporate healthy habits into my daily routine. But honestly. Im enjoying my tastebuds and food a little too much hahahahaha keep crushing it Julia!!


Congrats on getting thru day 2!! @JuliaLuna

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thanks so much you guys @JazzyS & @Cjp ā€” and amazing work @KaitSmith !! congrats on 2 weeks and iā€™m so glad to hear your day-to-day experience is already improving.

me, currently getting thru a major day 3 headache!!! trying to drink more water and just take it easy. itā€™s gonna thunderstorm here so me n my son are probably gonna just relax n watch a movie :blush::blush: iā€™m really, really happy to be quitting smoking.


Two weeks is fantastic!


Sorry for day 3 headache. Just think if all the days you will have smoke free with no side effects :grinning:


Its storming here in MD too. Me my husband and son are binge watching vampire diaries. Its a great dayā€¦ oh andā€¦ something crazy happened today. Along with normal choresā€¦ i WORKED OUT today. Did some jogging and lifted some weights and stretched. Who am i??? Keep goingā€¦ things are getting weird :smile: :rofl: :crazy_face: hope your headache is getting a little better and enjoy the storms and movie!


Way to go Julia! Hope your headache went away and you enjoyed a chill day watching movies :hugs:
No more smoky stinking - yeah you! :muscle:


Check you out! Thatā€™s awesome. Our addictions really do rob us of so much. Glad to see you doing so well and getting your energy back :hugs:


woohoo way to go girl!! i also woke up today and stretched my body like i meant it :joy: havenā€™t done that in a long time!! itā€™s amazing how transformative this time is for us, in such a positive way already. go us!! ps your day sounds so relaxing and cozy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: