Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2)

thank you Jasmine !! :heart: yes headache went away eventually, and now i’m bout to head to bed at the end of my third day cigarette/nicotine free!!! soooo grateful ive finally arrived, it was such an extremely long time coming, now i just need to stay dedicated from here on out :muscle:t4:


Congrats on closing day 3 @JuliaLuna

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Way to go on getting active @KaitSmith


today was my first day at work since i quit smoking (i usually had a couple on the 30-min drive, a couple during my breaks, and a couple on my drive back) - and even with the trigger of my regular smoking environment, i made it through without a hiccup! so excited to be marking down day 4 without smoking :heart:

honestly i felt a little grumpy today and a little woozy and fatigued. i drank like 100oz of water :joy::joy: but the side effects are a cake walk compared to the constant anxiety of active addiction. :ok_hand:t4::ok_hand:t4:


383 no ciggs or vapes
94 no form of nicotine

I still crave and can taste the vape even though im abstaint

One day at a time


Still worth quitting


That’s fantastic … a true test when we can do our normal activities and find new associations to the time we spent smoking. ODAAT! Woozy and grumpy and fatigued are all natural — smart to stay hydrated. Get some rest and keep kicking butt :wink: :muscle:

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WOW!!! amazing work – seeing you so close to triple digits brings joy to my heart!

Tell them cravings to FRO! You are doing fantastic friend – so worth it :muscle:

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day 5 down - felt waves of grief today with nowhere to turn but inward. no drinking, no smoking, no weed, no sex….all the things for years i used to cope with the grief and turmoil and confusion and fury. now, it’s just the raw feeling and my beautiful precious heart beating there with me thru it. nothing masking, nothing distracting nor distorting, just tears flowing and tides turning, as natural as can be. i’m becoming who i am. gone is the false image of me, a defensive projection made from imprints of a mean world. now, pure me. undiminished. inviting life. now, the smoke is clearing, so i can see her deeper than ever :heart:


That’s beautiful. Thanks for that Julia. And congrats. Keep going.


thank you! i made it one week! i’m so relieved :heart: so i wanted to do a daily check in here for 7 days, now i will let another week go by before checking back in, unless i really need to. but so far, it’s been relatively easy to stay committed! i think i was just seriously FINISHED. :pray:t4::pray:t4: curious effect - i’m suddenly much more interested in improving my health :sweat_smile: stretching, meditating, drinking tea, skincare, supplements……im just naturally gravitating toward this stuff, not even trying to add it in! very cool and fun to watch how my energy and focus is shifting in the dawn of this new smokeless reality :heart::sparkles::star_struck: thanks to this app and you guys here for being my home base during this transition i truly appreciate it. it’s what got me thru my early sobriety from alcohol and now im almost 11 months AF! woohoo :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Hells yeah! 1 week is amazing work friend. Great to see you working on a healthier happier life. Keep up the amazing momentum :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::tada:


Congrats on 1 week smoke free! Remember dont pick up no matter what


It’s actually possible…


You are doing it!! @Oluoch

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Nicely done friend – way to go with your 40 days no smoking :muscle: :tada:

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2 weeks nicotine free yall! :partying_face::muscle:t4:


Congrats on two weeks. A great accomplishment.

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thank you!!!

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Ran out of hearts…this is amazing work friend :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::pray:t4:

Keep up the great momentum :confetti_ball::tada:

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