Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Saturdays are for chest, tris, and of course traps! I’m on week 3 of the 5,3,1 program so it’s the least amount of reps but highest weight with a few joker sets cause I was feeling strong today! I ended my chest day with 315lb static holds and working hard to reach my goal of doing actual reps with this weight by the end of the year! I dropped the booze and got hooked on weights! Hope everyone got there lift in today or plan to still get it in! If not maybe this post will motivate you to get up and go DO WORK! Have a great weekend to you all! Day 657 without a drop!


You look like your get ready to bench your sobriety time.:muscle::muscle:


lol I appreciate that man! The pump was to good not to document! :muscle:t3::skull_and_crossbones:


I completed my first Deka STRONG today! I turned 38 yesterday and this was one of my birthday presents to myself (the other was a concert and a nice lady named Cris bought me a soda water :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:). My score was 25:47. :triumph::muscle:t4:I came home, had lunch, and knocked out shortly after. :sleeping:


Nice job :muscle::muscle: And Happy birthday :balloon::balloon:


Dang bro you look great! You’ll smash the shit out of three plates soon. Keep after it dawg


Happy birthday to you and congratulations!


Happy birthday and well done!

200w (2)


Motivating the f out of me :heart_eyes: @Zeekinout very spirited post and pics that full on energy is coming through the screen!

@spgand28 HBD :balloon: Sonia - fantastic gift and sounds like you had an awesome time! :purple_heart:


Looking incredible :heart::blush:


Slow and steady is definitely winning the race!!! Thanks man!!!


Thanks, girl! You too! I’m trying to get those abs like you! :fire:

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You doing great girl. I love your abs. :heart:


Can someone explain to me what that bar is/for? :nerd_face:

Looking strong @zzz!


It’s EZ Bar - reduce strain on the wrists and forearms. Also allows more comfortable grip when performing bicep curls / also can help target different parts of the muscle. I have handicaped right arm, two surgeries and damaged main Medianus nerve so I almost cant do exercices with straight bar anymore. I do a lot of alternatives.

The exercise in particular here is called French Press from Forehead. One of the best exercises for Triceps :+1:


Excellent thank you! How do you do BPs if you don’t mind me being nosey?

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Sorry I have problems with english .What BPs means? :sweat_smile:


Haha just Bench Press. I just love abbreviations. :laughing:


If You asking how I do the bench press because of my wrist problems then the answer is - I was in need to adapt and change my training program.

Chest muscles was always my strong point so I don’t need to bother much on that part. It’s one of the hardest exercise on my wrist nowadays so I do it with very little weight and a lot of repetition or I do it with fixed barbell machine as it also takes away a lot of pressure from the wrist.

I always try to mix heavy sets as possible following with lighter weight sets but a increased repetition. For me this technique gives the best pump and also allows to use maximum advantage on lighter weights / more reps sets as the muscle is still on fire from heavy set.

I also prioritize base exercises over machines and so on as for buidling muscles the biggest factor is stimulation of growth hormone. So as from perspective of Push / Pull training scheme - I have problems with Pushing exercises but are very capable with Pulling ones. So Instead of splitting Push / Pull into two separate days I combine them together gaining maximum benefits from growth hormone.

Same I do with leg day. I combine Leg day with Biceps and Triceps.

So this is a little of my strategies in gym.