Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Got a great leg day workout.


Thatā€™s a lot of mirrors! :flushed:lol hope you had a good workout.

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Lmao yeah I didnā€™t even think of that when I took the pic but yeah my workout was good. I love leg day and arms.

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I love/hate leg day lol Happy it was good for you!

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I love it during but hate two days later when it makes me walk like a baby deer lol


That sounds good, Iā€™ll have to come up with some short term goals for then. Over head press is my weakest lift maybe i should hit that shit harder.

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Iā€™m finally back!!!

I hate having to wear a mask.
Pd: Even if I have my 2 vaccines is mandatory to use a mask in my country


@Jimieg , how you holding up?

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Iā€™m ok. Been through a lot of ups n downs but at the moment Sober n focusedā€¦Howā€™re you holding up?? Youā€™ve been through so much.


Is this cos sheā€™s skin and bones? This is sad if soā€¦

Itā€™s actually a thing men (not all obvs) donā€™t like women to be strong and will make disparaging comments. Iā€™ve heard a few myself. Not ā€œfeminineā€(=weak) enough to fulfill my function of bolstering some insecure dudeā€™s ego.
Hell, itā€™s even in my own head somewhere, Iā€™ve been brought up in this society as well!

Time to rise above this and be aware.

Iā€™m aware AndrĆ© that you donā€™t subscribe to the mentality Iā€™m describing. But the joke kinda does if Iā€™m ā€œgetting it.ā€

Hahaha ok wow I just got that. :joy: well Iā€™m glad I gave you all a speech here. Putting away my spear nowā€¦

Edit:Yo but still: why is this skinny girl his gym crush if he looks like this, gotta wonder!


Maybe heā€™s just pretending to be into her because heā€™s a gold digger and sheā€™s loaded :sweat_smile: we will never know who mystery meme man and woman are, but itā€™s safe to say mystery woman isnā€™t into him sheā€™s into doing her reps and actually working out


He doesnā€™t know anything about her. Secretly sheā€™s a heroine addict and has 3 felonies on her record. He on the other hand is a single dad that works at Home Depot and is about to have his life ruined by her.


Pounding the treadmill Tabata styleā€¦sweaty but feeling good. Good to be back at it.


Interesting - I took personal training sessions at a gym with a male trainer, really enjoyed his work, he was very professional; one day we were working on glutes and in passing he noted that this exercise was done much more by women (in proportion to exercises in other areas like back, arms, etc). I asked why, and he said he suspected it had to do with social expectations of body shape.

Glutes - hips, butt - a key part of an archetypal ā€œfemaleā€ form; maybe why those exercises got more attention from women?

Back, arms, legs - key parts of an archetypal ā€œmaleā€ form.

Of course these archetypes are cultural constructs and vary from person to person and culture to culture; and theyā€™re not a definition of what it is to be masculine, feminine, or any other gender. But it does show how we put our energy into creating the idea, the image, of what we think we should be.


I appreciate this distinction being made especially. We can ask questions, we can be aware and critical without being prescriptive and non-supportive of others. All girls GO, train and love themselves, as @RetainKingII sais this thread is for, itā€™s true! But all girls and boys also GO be aware of the subconscious personal and societal implications of what weā€™re doing. So we can ultimately become better than our current society and the world we live in. Just by being aware.

Luckily I feel these things are changing a bit and girls are being welcomed to embrace their strenght, itā€™s more acceptable than ever for boys to do yoga or dance and that is wonderful and transformative. :heart:

Maybe this is a universal thing? To be seen in all our artefacts. And it leaves open what that exactly definitely should be. We can decide ourselves. I love that.

Definitely I fall on the society line there. The argument with predetermination/wiring just precludes any further discussion which historically has never benefitted women. Had we all continued in this vein, Iā€™d not be deadliting (AND benchpressing!) these days but still be wearing a fucking S-skirt.

So I donā€™t consider these questions insecure but benefitial to all but especially women. Maybe they deserve their own thread though, so I see your point. Selfies are one way to support ourselves and others, discussion and awareness another. For me they go together, both have their place. :pray::weight_lifting_man:


Agree to disagree and selfie of me in an S-skirt just to balance the post shitpost ratio then back to regular business.


Worked up to 255x3 benching

135x5 overhead press

Some tri workā€¦ wasted day in the gym, no motivation.

This is more like it :wink:


This is true, weak days frustrate me thoā€¦

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6 a.m. sauna workout (HOTWORX). Great start to the work week. Beats a hangover any day!