Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Thanks but i have a long way to go, my nutrition is far from perfect because i like food to much :drooling_face:, I’m an addict with that stuff too.


Same…. I was pretty pumped for the new thread but I’ve tried being strict with macros and it messed with my brain. It took a long time for me to get the numbers out of my head and be able to eat without obsessing. Sooooo Imma start hanging here with y’all instead.


Same same @anon9289869 & @Faugxh. Learning to let go of my fitness obsession was a huge part of my recovery. I was never good enough. I was always super strict on exercise and food, or if I wasn’t, I was shaming myself for not being better. Both trains of thought always led to breakdowns because I was trying for perfection and that was impossible.

I was always unsatisfied and always feeling like i wasn’t enough. I wasted a lot of years hating my body. It’s still an every day decision to accept my body for exactly how it is. Kinda like drinking, every day I decide not to drink. That’s never going away, but every day it gets a little more ingrained in my thinking. My thoughts have transformed from “I can’t drink today” to “I am so grateful to be sober today”… and for thoughts about my body from “I wasn’t good enough today with my routine and I’ll never be good enough”, to “I am grateful to have this body and to be here in life”

Anyways, kind of a rant but that other thread was totally triggering for me, so much so that i thought about muting it. Full disclosure I do recognize this is personal for me and don’t believe the thread itself is bad. Just bad for me.


I understand 100%. With me it’s another issue but the same result. We can do this by taking a step back and trying to look at things from outside our head. Listening and ACCEPTING the positive support from friends is important. Thanks for sharing you are not alone my friend.


I jumped in there and trolled but it wasnt understood. Lol. I stay away from most these threads, everyone should just be good with their body and not go overboard


Exactly. It feels nice to be understood :relieved: ty

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Haha oh I saw that :joy: You know how easy it is for us addicts to go over board lol

Letting go and being happy with what I’ve done for the day takes a lot of practice. I never knew it was so hard to let go, but it feels great once I got past those unrealistic expectations I was holding onto.


Eventually the goal was to get to a 2.5 but I found once I hit a 2 on captain of crush I hit a plateau. Still its just under 200 lbs to close a 2. How many of you use strength grippers?


This looks awesome where can one get this? :heart_eyes_cat:We used to have a pair of cheap ones but they had springs in them which squeaked incessantly and didn’t do much else! Felt so lame to use. I got rid of them. Now I just hang from the pullup bar and such.


Well if you want you can check out charts on the Captain of Crush models I dropped in the image, but I bought mine off Amazon I thought that was the easiest way to get them :slight_smile: you also notice there are lots of adjustable different weight size ones that are different brands I have one it works great for just doing light reps


Thanks Alex! Aye we had adjustable ones and I thought that was the problem, but perhaps my bf just bought the lowest quality one. He’s lucky like that.
Will defo check those out!

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Love those. Great for forearms


I hear you. I always wanted to be bigger and thought i wasnt big enough lol. Was weird, almost like chasing a high, thinking you werent high enough. Now i dont really care, i go in, work out and leave.

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Mike, your arms are bigger than my legs :rofl:

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Was never enough. Like the ladies were mentioning sometimes you just arent satisfied with your workout or your body. Ive learned to just go enjoy the gym, and not worry about whos the strongest, or biggest. Its good to just go in and focus on yourself without all the expectations. Hows the mma going my man? What did you think of Conor/Porier? Im pretty fired up to see Dileshaw return, he wrestled at same school i did. Hes much younger though lol


Yes it’s going well mate

The Conor / Poirer fight was only going to go one way- think Dustin beats him 9/10 times they fight now

It’ll be interesting to see Dillashaw fight again, love his style just not that confident in his chin. We will see though



Yes, sucks cuz i really like Sandhagen also. Followed him since he was in LFA. Should be good.

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This 1,000,000%. I wasn’t gifted with perfect genetics for strength/ bodybuilding and I’m not willing to pin test so it it what it is. I compete against Noone besides myself, be better than yesterday if possible if not be the best i can today.


Very much relate to this and also what @Lionfish and @Mike_Gee said. Used to think I was terrible at sports because I was in school. I also know what it’s like to feel less than and inferior on the deepest personal level, as has been spoken about by others here, because that’s how I naturally felt all my life, but working hard to change this, in its own time. Weightlifting has helped so much in this respect. It is helping change my perspective on myself from how do I look/am I acceptable (to men/compared to other women) to: what can I accomplish/am I reliable, disciplined, dedicated, caring (to myself). And appreciation has begun to grow in me. It’s only one aspect of the whole big picture of growing as a person, of course. :rainbow:


Just get to the who gives a shit what people think of me point of view. The gym should be a place for your inner peace, and a place to release stress.