Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2)

I love elevated heel squats! No idea why lol but I do. I had to do them after acl/meniscus repair and I hated them then but now I enjoy them :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not all that long ago, 2017- 2021 I had a Planet Fitness membership just to go in there and do the stair stepper. Would do 26 flights. Didnā€™t realize I was almost doing the Statue of Liberty. Been thinking lately about restating the membership again just mainly for that. Thanks for the incentive.


One of my current faves.


Thatā€™s awesome! Do it lol
In just two weeks I have very good strength in my legs/lower body just from the stair stepper. It really is a great tool just to get the heart rate up everyday, a little sweat, and strength. Just getting out of the house and getting in the gym to be in a different atmosphere is really good for the mental as well.



Hello hello my sober fit people.
I have a question. What do you think about pre-workouts? I got a sample with my protein shake order and wow, it gave me kick! I took it before run and it was pretty good run, i even beat my personal record for 1km and 1mile :slight_smile: Also, i had nice energy all day, without any side effects, not nervous etc. I ran in the morning and all day after I didnā€™t even drink any coffee or yerba mate or matcha and I always sip something coffeinated during day cause I need it. Iā€™m already planning to order a pack of it but Iā€™m a bit worried if itā€™s not dangerous. If Iā€™m not gonna get used to it and without it wonā€™t be able to perform. What are your experiences?
I paste here some info about this pre-workouts

I feel like my addict brain is already making me buy it cause that nice kick it gave me :sweat_smile: But man, I could use some extra energy.


Hey Mischa, Iā€™m a functional caffeine addict just like you. Working shifts doesnā€™t make it easier. That said, Iā€™ve managed so far w weightlifting and caffeine alone.

From time to time I do consider buying a pre workout but even if I did, I would reserve it for those got no sleep but canā€™t skip a sesh days. I personally would not use a pre workout every day, sports or no sports. I know I would like it too much. And then what comes next. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Itā€™s not dangerous tho.


Aha might as well do an update you guys. I dislocated my shoulder a month ago being thoughtless and doing a movement I usually never ever do. Thankfully the damage was limited and Iā€™ll be fine eventually hopefully just w physiotherapy and gradually increasing functionality again. The mind sure went to end of the line thinking when it looked like I would have to have an operation (never had one) and be out of lifting and wage labour for many months. Thankfully that didnā€™t happen in the end. :pray:t2:

Guys some unexpected idk, fortune I guess, is that I joined my ex manā€™s gym for the time being so I can use the leg machines and we been going together. I never used machines before and I canā€™t say I like it much lol. Anytime anybody does a decent squat in that place I get tears of longing in my eyesā€¦ But I have for sure enjoyed being able to move and use my strength somewhat, knowing I can improvise training to stay good. Iā€™m doing some weighted physio moves for the shoulder too. :smiling_face_with_tear: And I really enjoy getting out the house more and being in public. Which I used to dreeead. Plus while normally almost no one seems to be doing much work there or have much of an idea (is that normal?!) the other day I saw a big girl like me (bigger actually) who clearly knew her shit and the joy it gave me to see her and we even chatted a lil bit :star_struck: it was great. So that is an unexpected nice thing. God knows I would love to have a few rl wl buddies!

Hope everyone is going well, would love to see some updates on our regs here. Much love and grrrrr to all of youse! :fire: :boar: :mechanical_arm:


Hopefully your shoulder heals ok. I like a mix of free weights and machines. Been training 4 times a week and feeling more comfortable in my surroundings at the gym. Still unsure on all the equipment but confidence has increased markedly.





Urgh that shirt. TMACā€¦:sob:

You look good though, what a shame.


Along with the gym, disappointing people is another favorite pastime :sweat_smile:


Snap, brother.


Good to see you all geared up for the big kick off this evening will you be able to watch it


I will have nothing said about that top itā€™s a classic :joy:


Iā€™m thinking about buying fitness tracker, Fitbit inspire 3 most probably. Anybody has it? Some thoughts? Maybe some other recommendations.
I used to have some cheap fit watch fitbit-like but it was so inaccurateā€¦ For example it was counting my steps while I was just standing washing the dishes. Are firbits more trustable?


Sure will! Itā€™s on at noon for me here and thankfully will be available on TV

Cavani on the back of the kit. Short time with MU but I love him.


Reallyā€¦ Haha. Chelsea blue :blue_heart: All the way thru.