Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2)

Hello hello my sober fit people.
I have a question. What do you think about pre-workouts? I got a sample with my protein shake order and wow, it gave me kick! I took it before run and it was pretty good run, i even beat my personal record for 1km and 1mile :slight_smile: Also, i had nice energy all day, without any side effects, not nervous etc. I ran in the morning and all day after I didn’t even drink any coffee or yerba mate or matcha and I always sip something coffeinated during day cause I need it. I’m already planning to order a pack of it but I’m a bit worried if it’s not dangerous. If I’m not gonna get used to it and without it won’t be able to perform. What are your experiences?
I paste here some info about this pre-workouts

I feel like my addict brain is already making me buy it cause that nice kick it gave me :sweat_smile: But man, I could use some extra energy.