Early morning workout complete
Woke up late today but still managed to get some cardio in! 45 min of cardio is better than nothing. Have a great day everyone!
Hit 85lb on the sumo deadlift for 6 then had to go down to 75lbs for the remaining reps. Guess it’s time to invest in some bigger plates 🏋🏻♀️🏋🏻♀️🏋🏻♀️
Way to go! Thats amazing
Today was supposed to be a heavy weight maintenance day but… it turned into a 300lb personal record!!! As the days go by not only is weight easier to move my sobriety gets easier! The gym and sobriety seem to go hand and hand with another some days you feel strong and make records and some days you feel weak and frail!!! I still show up though everyday and put the work in knowing that the end result will be better then the day before!!! Hope you all are sticking to your sober journey and making your own personal records!!! Have a great weekend sober family!!!
Todays self care workout complete
Did alot today:
Smith machine chest press
Chest flye machine
Leg extensions
Leg curls
Leg press
Smith machine glute kickbacks
Hip abduction machine
Hip adduction machine
Lat pulldown
Row machine
Rear delt machine
Basically i did all the exercises today that i cant do my buildings gym. Worked up a good sweat thats for sure!
Alright back to it! Personal best for 5k on treadmill and a chest and arms workout. Great way to end the day!
530am workout complete
35 min of cardio and biceps was all i was able to fit in today. But its something! Have a great day everyone!
It’s day 3 in gym. I’ve been slacking big time, but I kicked my sober ass in gear this week. Forgot the “gym selfie”
I’ve been starting with my old man stretches first.
Hit the stair climber. I do the Statue of Liberty climb which is 30 floors. Hit 5 floors soft and 5 hard. Talk about a sweat warm up for the lift!
Today was &
. Yesterday was chest/
Look at that sign
Your gym is actually a horticultural facility
Plan_t Fitness
That’s why I chose it
It’s not even a year old. As my daughter would say, kinda Sus lol
New PB for me yesterday
Side cable pull ins
3 Sets
12 x 41kg each side
Heel elevated squats
3 Sets
12 x 12 each side
Loving it
I love elevated heel squats! No idea why lol but I do. I had to do them after acl/meniscus repair and I hated them then but now I enjoy them
Not all that long ago, 2017- 2021 I had a Planet Fitness membership just to go in there and do the stair stepper. Would do 26 flights. Didn’t realize I was almost doing the Statue of Liberty. Been thinking lately about restating the membership again just mainly for that. Thanks for the incentive.
One of my current faves.
That’s awesome! Do it lol
In just two weeks I have very good strength in my legs/lower body just from the stair stepper. It really is a great tool just to get the heart rate up everyday, a little sweat, and strength. Just getting out of the house and getting in the gym to be in a different atmosphere is really good for the mental as well.
Hello hello my sober fit people.
I have a question. What do you think about pre-workouts? I got a sample with my protein shake order and wow, it gave me kick! I took it before run and it was pretty good run, i even beat my personal record for 1km and 1mile Also, i had nice energy all day, without any side effects, not nervous etc. I ran in the morning and all day after I didn’t even drink any coffee or yerba mate or matcha and I always sip something coffeinated during day cause I need it. I’m already planning to order a pack of it but I’m a bit worried if it’s not dangerous. If I’m not gonna get used to it and without it won’t be able to perform. What are your experiences?
I paste here some info about this pre-workouts
I feel like my addict brain is already making me buy it cause that nice kick it gave me

Hey Mischa, I’m a functional caffeine addict just like you. Working shifts doesn’t make it easier. That said, I’ve managed so far w weightlifting and caffeine alone.
From time to time I do consider buying a pre workout but even if I did, I would reserve it for those got no sleep but can’t skip a sesh days. I personally would not use a pre workout every day, sports or no sports. I know I would like it too much. And then what comes next.
It’s not dangerous tho.
Aha might as well do an update you guys. I dislocated my shoulder a month ago being thoughtless and doing a movement I usually never ever do. Thankfully the damage was limited and I’ll be fine eventually hopefully just w physiotherapy and gradually increasing functionality again. The mind sure went to end of the line thinking when it looked like I would have to have an operation (never had one) and be out of lifting and wage labour for many months. Thankfully that didn’t happen in the end.
Guys some unexpected idk, fortune I guess, is that I joined my ex man’s gym for the time being so I can use the leg machines and we been going together. I never used machines before and I can’t say I like it much lol. Anytime anybody does a decent squat in that place I get tears of longing in my eyes… But I have for sure enjoyed being able to move and use my strength somewhat, knowing I can improvise training to stay good. I’m doing some weighted physio moves for the shoulder too. And I really enjoy getting out the house more and being in public. Which I used to dreeead. Plus while normally almost no one seems to be doing much work there or have much of an idea (is that normal?!) the other day I saw a big girl like me (bigger actually) who clearly knew her shit and the joy it gave me to see her and we even chatted a lil bit
it was great. So that is an unexpected nice thing. God knows I would love to have a few rl wl buddies!
Hope everyone is going well, would love to see some updates on our regs here. Much love and grrrrr to all of youse!