Have An Ear Worm? Get Rid Of An Ear Worm

I wanted to start a fun Ear Worm thread. If you got an Ear Worm you want to get rid of put it hear. Or tell us your most ridiculous Ear Worm.
@Ravikamor. We can still be friends. No ND in my head this morning :joy:

I will go with most ridiculous ear worm first. I woke up the other morning with

ā€œKnock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is noā€
By Tony Orlando and Dawn
I havenā€™t had that song in my head ever. I mean WTF. I think it came out in 1970 and I didnā€™t like it then.
Why oh why?




Ouch :grimacing:. Ben there done that :crazy_face:

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Iā€™ve got such bad wet brain, that literally no songs ever stick in my head. And I canā€™t remember hardly any songs no matter how many times I listen to them. Besides my self occasionally self sabotaging myself. Man not much goes on in my brain, it feels blank. I hope this gets better :joy:


ā€œDoes anyone know where the love of God goes, when the waves turn minutes to hours? The searchers all say theyā€™d have made Whitefish Bay, if theyā€™d put 15 more miles behind herā€

Gordon Lightfoot, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald


Still taking the hobbits to Eisengardā€¦



TW: This not a song about drinking but some drinks are mentioned in the lyrics.

@Milele! :smiley:


that Mariah Carey xmas song. you know the one. im not typing it out but literally once a year there are several days I cannot sleep becuse of that peice of trash song. no other song does this to me.

its the devil. THE DEVIL.



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I still remember hearing that song on AM radio on a road trip with my family. I was around 10 years old! you may not like it but it sure is catchy!

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What? No ND? Iā€™ll have to find some Sweet Caroline :smiley:


All I had to do was read the first three words of the first sentence. The song is officially stuck in my head lmao. The agony!!


Thatā€™s my wifeā€™s dreaded one :scream:

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its the WORST

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Theyā€™re gonna take out the cows ā€” the cows! The cows!

From the fabulous Weird Al debate song. Kids and I listened to the song several times over and now Iā€™m singing ā€œthey gonna take out the cows!ā€ at all odd moments. But itā€™s not a bad one; itā€™s comforting.

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Eric! Here you go! :heart:


8th inning song at my beloved Fenway Park in Boston. The only ND song for me. Brings back wonderful memories. Love Fenway Paaak


I couldnā€™t stand it when I was 10 years old, so why does it play in the grocery store 40 years later? No thank you, Eddie Rabbit! :weary:

Well, I love a rainy night; itā€™s such a beautiful sight.
I love to feel the rain on my face;
taste the rain on my lips,
in the moonlight shadows.

Showers wash all my cares away;
I wake up to a sunny day,
'cause I love a rainy night.
Yeah, I love a rainy night.
Well, I love a rainy night.
Well, I love a rainy night, ooh, ooh.


Awesomeness :sparkling_heart::+1: ND had a signature song, that would be it! LoL

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