Hello again everyone

Thank you! It’s a great list, I will take some of the points for me))


Thankyou :slight_smile:

I made it specific to myself, things that I do which are tiny things that make up big things like leaving dishes or opening the curtains, staying in bed on bad days. It’s amazing how much opening the curtains can change my mood.

I just got off the phone with a friend who I’ve known for 22 years and we lost touch years ago. She got in touch with me 6 months ago and told me that she’d started recovery and is going through the rooms and she’s just had a great meeting, she’s really amped about it.


Welcome back. There is always a place for you here.


Thankyou very much :slight_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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So good to see you back. :sparkling_heart:



It’s not good to see you back but it’s great you’ve found your safe place again, AA was the game changer on my journey from chronic relapser to over 3 sober years now. You know how good sobriety feels so ONE DAY AT A TIME and you’ll be back up and running. Keep it simple, keep it honest but don’t keep it all to yourself. :wink:

Ps I’ve missed your food


Nice to meet you bud. Glad you’re back for the support! You have a great plan of action!


G’day mate.
Oftentimes you would enter my thoughts during your absences from the forum.
Always wished the best, but sometimes I kinda knew it was not.
Glad you made it through.

Looking forward to having you around more.
Go well


It wasn’t but thankyou for your thoughts :slight_smile:

I’ll be sticking around this time


Josh!! Welcome back :pray:t2::two_hearts: I’m sorry you have been having such a rough time :pensive: addiction is a BASTARD! We are so much stronger together, I’m glad your back with us. We’ve missed you :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thankyou :slight_smile: nice to see you going strong! I’ve been in AA today for the first time, absolutely buzzing!


Thank you :blush: . I’m glad you went to a meeting and that it went well. You deserve a sober life, we all do! Well done for taking the first step. I’m so glad to see you back at it :pray:t2::two_hearts:


I should have gone before. I used to say I was sceptical - turns out I was just scared.


Welcome back @DresdenLaPage! I always wondered how you were doing from time to time - like when I see the infamous thread you started called conglomerated things that can f#$@ off!

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Welcome back to the family! Been there just earlier this year. Hospitalized on/off for a month. It truly is life or death right now so I completely get you.

You/we/us can definitely do this! Life is too short and we are blessed to get another chance at it…let’s make it count this time!

Looking forward to this journey of ours :pray:t3:

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Petr! How you doing? Yeah it’s been a rough couple years. Never should have given up giving up but I did… and here we are!

I love that that thread is still alive lol

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I am doing pretty good. Just living life and raising some kids. I hope you stick around for awhile - I might be biased but, this forum has some really cool people!


I heard this quote a while back and it popped into my head when I read your reply….

Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear .

It’s so true! Fear holds us back but it’s only once we push in through and get to the other side we realise it’s us holding us back! I’m so glad you went. Stay focussed, lean on us whilst you steady yourself. You can do this! Christ! If I can, you can! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thanks for your support Sarah it means so much :slight_smile:

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Welcome back Josh.
I hope to continue to see you around.