Hello again everyone

Back at ya! There were times when you supported me also. And I’m sure there will be other times :woman_shrugging:t3: lol. It’s great to have you here with us again :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Believe me, you will :wink:

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You’re the Chef aren’t ya?
You might have told me why they serve fish skin side up. Can’t remember now :grimacing: but it made sense.
Tough business to be clean and sober in.
Believe me! I know!

FWIW……when I don’t know what to post on here I’m still over at that gratitude thread posting every morning all the stuff I’m grateful for when I’m sober. Totally retrained my brain.
There’s a grateful bunch of addicts over here.

I think we got a spare chair. Bring your own coffee though.


Thank you for this Sarah! I never heard it before. I’m going to add it in with my favorite fear acronyms:

Before sobriety: Forget Everything and Run
Now: Face Everything and Recover


Hey Lisa! Hope you’re doing good? I heard this a while back and it resonated with me a lot. Glad you like it too :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Wasn’t it just! Yeah everything today except going outside which given how beautiful it was is a bit of a shame but… in my defence, my kitchen is sparkling and I managed to have a catch up with a friend of mine that I haven’t seen for a few years. She and I were on video chat for exactly 3 hours. She’s recently split from the father of her child and is … I wouldn’t say “in a funk” about it but she’s learning to live with just her daughter and getting used to being alone now. Hopefully I’ll see her in a few weeks time.

In fact, I’ll share a story with you!

Her names Claire and we used to work together for a travel consultancy and in June 2013, we went to Amsterdam for 3 days (we were both going through a city hop phase). So we met in the morning on the train and flew easyjet from Stansted now, even though it’s only a 35 minute flight, I still insisted on getting front row seats so that we get beer quickly and off the plane ASAP. There was a nice crew member on board called Dan. Dan was nice, very friendly, very handsome (think a watered down Enrique Iglesias) and definitely had the gift of the gab and lived nearby us. Well Claire was recently single and Dan was right up her alley and as we disembarked the plane, I shook his hand and said “What’s your surname anyway, we’ll get you on Facebook” He told us and …. Fuck my life… I said “Are you X’a brother?”… his face dropped, looked me dead in the eye and said … “Of course. Josh” All I hear is Claire behind me saying “Josh ffs get the bags!”
Turned out, Dan was the brother of a girl called Katherine who I dated when I was about 17. Dan found out I wasn’t only dating Katherine.

Dan didn’t like me.


I have done the same and I’m still impressed how lonely I am right now. Oh well :woman_shrugging: we just need to do what’s right and put ourselves first. Whoever is ment to be in your live will be.