Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Tonight I’m grateful for ~

  1. Sharing at the early meeting this morning
  2. Meeting with my sober coach
  3. My lovely horse
  4. Beautiful, sunny, warm days
  5. Going to bed sober

Today im greatful for progress. Today im greatful for others sobriety. Today im greatful for community. I always thought i was a loner but that was me protecting my heart because i rarely felt a part of. Today im greatful to be a recovering addict and alcoholic. Today im greatful we played fetch with Boscoe. Today im greatful i got out of my comfort zone. Today im greatful to feel safe and cozy


Today I am grateful I was given such a kind sister. Her hugs are awesome.
I’m grateful I reached out to friends to try to make plans. Even though they couldn’t make it this feels like the first time I have instigated plans in my whole sober journey. Usually I wait for someone to reach out to me or live on my couch. Progress! My cocoon is cracking! :bug::butterfly:
I’m grateful for continued sobriety and the work that comes with recovery.


I’m grateful for a hangover free weekend.
I used to get wasted Fridays and Saturdays so that I was halfway through the worst by Monday morning.
Now my apartment is clean, I did the laundry 2x yesterday and one more is following, a fresh baked bread is done and cooling down in the kitchen, I reorganized my wardrobe…so it’s a productive weekend. Now I’m doing nothing :wink: That’s what my Sundays are for.
For all of this I’m grateful.


This is me, I recently discovered that being with others can be pretty nice. And letting them take a step closer to me isn’t the disaster I thought it would be.


Happy Sunday morning from Wisconsin. I live in southern Wisconsin and the color in the trees is just spectacular these days!

I’m grateful for my wonderful little life. I have a warm and loving home with a marriage that keeps gaining love and wit and wisdom. We are both well into our sobriety and recovery and we are seeing the benefits in our relationship every day.

I’m grateful that I have the job that I have at this point in my life. I retired from the very stressful work of being a school principal in 2020 and I can honestly say that leaving that work allowed me to find the space to work on my sobriety and recovery. In the midst of the pandemic I landed work as an English as a Second Language teacher in a middle school. It is very challenging work and I learn new things every week. Most times the kids do too! However, the stress level is tremendously lower than my previous work, and for that I am extremely grateful. I had a close reminder of that this week when one of my students reported some physical abuse in her family. We have a good team of people at our school who took charge of taking action on that and I was able to “stay in my lane” as her teacher. I’ve done that reporting work many many times. It is terribly important and terribly difficult and, for me, it activates a lot of personal trauma. I was upset about this all for her and for me for awhile this week, but in the end, I am grateful that I am not the one in charge of that work anymore. I’m grateful to have this work and be able to focus on the joy of teaching.

I’m grateful to have had a nice visit with my sister on Saturday. She is recovering well from some surgery. She is also in her first weeks of sobriety! She’s very excited about getting well and she asked me lots of questions about how to think about things on this journey. I couldn’t be more pleased that my siblings and I are all working on this and are all getting better. We came through a lot of hard things. We are all committed to getting better. I’m the oldest and I could not be more thrilled with this evolution in our family.

I’m grateful my brother moved out and got into his new apartment yesterday. His divorce is slowly getting underway. His sobriety and recovery is coming along! He has never lived on his own, so this is a big step for him.

I’m grateful that my husband has made the transition from his big summer house painting project into the fall routines of work. We are in a 133 year old home that he is lovingly restoring to its original wood sided and painted original style. He has torn off aluminum siding from 1989 and hand scraped and sanded and painted 3 sides of it this summer. In sobriety he finds that keeping himself busy is rewarding and the results are beautiful.

I’m grateful for this Sunday morning and this community. My sister just downloaded the app yesterday and I know that my brother reads in the community regularly. You are all an amazing support to me and I am grateful to have found you.

Take good care of yourself today. You deserve to be healthy and happy and safe. I wish you all peace.


A fellow Wisconsinite and ESL teacher up here in the northeast! Loved reading your post this morning. Thank you!


I’d like to add some things :smiling_face:
A full belly with delicious food, a warm blanket I’m snuggled up in while watching Star Trek, clean tap water, my apartment, a hot shower, fresh bedsheets and that I am me. I start to like this life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful I didn’t pick up yesterday. Thanks to you guys. For a moment I lost a sense.
I’m grateful it wasn’t raining today and we managed to go for a walk.
I’m grateful vacations over and I will be able to go for a run or to swimming pool (+sauna :relieved:) again.
I’m grateful my aunt is such a strong woman… She is loving and supporting her kids (both around 40yo so not such a kids anymore) so much and they are such an assholes. They have no idea how they hurt her. I know I did hurt my parents as well but for my defense - I was fckn young and stupid. I’m grateful I’m sober so my aunt can caunt on me.
I’m grateful I didn’t drink yesterday - did I mention it already?
I’m grateful Im almost not eating meat.
Im grateful I’m alive.


I am grateful my dad did not have a stroke. He scared us all on Friday by losing his speech and was taken to ER, but all neurological tests have come back normal.
Grateful he’s speaking normally now.
Grateful for hospitals, doctors, nurses, all the assistant staff, who have all been most professional and are invariably kind to a slightly crotchety old man.
Grateful he’s comfortable though he low-key complains about being here.
Grateful for family, nuclear family setting up ways to keep him company and help my mum as much as we can, other family supporting. My husband is showing us all how much affection he has for my parents. It makes me gratefully teary when I think about it.
Grateful for time chatting with dad. He doesn’t like TV, so there’s not a lot else to do when sitting with him.
Grateful it was the weekend when all this happened, so we have had enough flexibility to do what was needed.
Grateful ? that this stress has made me start a period after 8 months without one. I thought I was done! WTF, body… :roll_eyes:

  1. Space & time.
  2. Having questions as I grow. In finding my strength and power. “Never be so kind you forget to be clever, never be so clever you forget to be kind…Never be so polite you forget your power, never weild such power you forget to be kind”
  3. My beautiful family.
  4. This time away.
  5. Fall colours. Xo.

Far too much to catch up.
Today I’m grateful I finally was able to calm down and put myself off the hamsterwheel of brain arguing with emotions while needs were running with scissors and nerves were having a hard time not losing their shit. Cause for this bullshit: the ex. Reason for this bullshit: me still not being through with letting go, focussing on myself and ignoring the rest of the world. Fucking codependent patterns. I’m grateful I can identify my own bullshit and distinguish it from other bullshit. The ex’s behaviour is annoying bullshit. My reaction and attitude are bullshit. No, I’m not grateful for all this bullshit.

I’m grateful for two wonderful days in a workshop for growing and harvesting different vegetable seeds this week.
I’m grateful I woke up well rested this morning.
I’m grateful for quality time with my cats today, we missed our snuggle times as the week was so busy.
I’m grateful for the beautiful weather today, the April-like rainshower in the afternoon gifted us with a marvellous rainbow.
I’m grateful I don’t care that the kitchen is a mess and the house needs vacuuming. Today I rested.
I’m grateful for some nice textchats and that a friend let me vent on the phone when I was upset.
I’m grateful I tried food delivery and can cross out one of 5 sunday options. The pizza was boring.
I’m grateful I still had salad and some other stuff at home to make a nice bowl. I’m grateful for cheese!
I’m grateful for service on the radio in the morning, listening to sunday service became a beloved routine.
I’m grateful I started the heating season and the buffer tanks are hot now. The solar plant doesn’t heat enough for warm water plus heating.
I’m happy and grateful all 3 cats are on and beside me in bed. I feel loved and a little bit ashamed that I still have episodes when I go to the hardware store for milk resp. try to get whatever me social human being needs from my ex :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes: I already did a lot better, his permanent presence here at the farm for two weeks is too much and he won’t listen. Well, I’m grateful today I told him some facts he doesn’t want to hear and asked questions he doesn’t want to think about and communicated how I feel which is saussage (German for he doesn’t care). At least I got all the turmoil off my chest adressed to the right person and he was annoyed and left. So none of us had a nice afternoon which is quite fair in my opinion. Yes I am bitchy today. No ex disturbs my only day off without suffering the consequences. I’m grateful I know this is not helpful and no every day attitude. For today I’m grateful I can be a grumpy, nagging woman demanding respect for her needs and refusing to take bullshit. ODAAT :pray:


Im feeling thankful for the level of peace and safety I have at my home. I get so bored and lonely, and there are some thieves in my neighborhood but not much violence. It’s evident that there could be much worse problems…

I’m thankful for the few sober friends that I do have. They can be a bit boring too but we really help each other out in meaningful ways.

I’m thankful to be going on a date this week for the first time in 6 years. I’m celibate and not gung-hoe about marriage or dating but I don’t usually pass up romance opportunities that seem good and seem to have potential.

  1. I am grateful for the dusting of snow we got. I like winter.
  2. I am grateful my critters. They help with my shitty mood today.
  3. I am grateful for having a fully stocked kitchen and freezers!!
  4. I am grateful my husband has only one wek left on this job site
  5. I am grateful for my sobriety, even tho today was a struggle.

I’m grateful for mindfulness.
I’m grateful for out of the blue urges to drink today which have reminded to me stay vigilant.
I’m grateful that recovery is not a quick fix, easy ride.
I’m grateful that walking this road is making me more present and aware every day; whether that day is good, bad, or just a day, I show up and am really there for it.
I’m grateful that you are all here with me.


grateful you got through the hardships of yesterday sober- you are amazing!


Grateful that your dad did not have a stroke and his tests are normal :pray:


I’m grateful we don’t have to catch up on this thread. :relieved:

It was a week. The kind that had me saying “ah, this was why I drank…”. I’m grateful I’ve put too much work into my recovery to know that isn’t the answer. Grateful I don’t drink away my weekends either, @Sabrina80, or any day. (Grateful I’m learning to be grateful for the assholes out there, just doing the best they know how, giving me cause to practice compassion and boundaries.) Grateful for self-compassion too.

I’m grateful for the dharma meeting tonight. The wise friend that shared that hit home. Just because life is hard doesn’t mean recovery isn’t going well. No, in fact, turning towards pain and hard stuff, being curious about it, where it comes from - being willing to meet it. This is recovering.

I’m so grateful for all of you, for this place. For these dear souls scattered across the globe all companioning each other on this journey.

I’m grateful for the good dog girl. She’s old and docile, but suddenly lost her shit on an inflatable hallowe’en lawn cat. Barked and growled and let it know just who the fuck is boss. She stopped traffic! Brought us all a lotta joy.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m so grateful you didn’t. I’m grateful I didn’t! I’m grateful we have a place to come when the world overwhelms us.
Hugs and strength to you. Thank you for being here - sharing your strength in turn with us.
One Fucking Minute at a time, sometimes. :relieved: :orange_heart:


Awww, Billy, you are a wise soul :hugs:
Self acceptance. Indeed something that needs more work.

After a short night with good sleep this was the thing I read first in the morning. Pure gold :pray:
I’ll do some breath meditations about it this week, that’s a good start!

I’m grateful I feel calm, kind and awake again today :pray: Starting a new week with a peaceful mindset and a smile on the face is beautiful :sunflower::four_leaf_clover:

Em, I steal this gem and put it on my meditation list to work on. I’m grateful with a night of good sleep and distance I see clearly where yesterday’s emotional upset came from. There’s some reparenting necessary to reconcile the adult bitch with the lonely little girl needing to be heard and loved.
First things first. Morning routines are calling & miowing. I’m grateful I’m fit enough to meet life’s demands most of the time. That’s a big improvement I want to be more grateful for :pray: I’ve worked long and hard to be there.
I’m grateful waking up sober never gets old :blush: ODAAT!