Hot teas instead of beers

this looks like my cupboard :grin:

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So it’s like exactly what a microwave is designed for!!

But kettles are totally better.


Ooohhh. Yes! I have a huge selection of teas. I like tension tamer too but I think my all time faves are earl grey, bengal spice (it’s a chai by celestial seasonings), and lemon ginger by twinings

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I don’t drink tea often, but when I do it’s mighty leaf Erle Grey

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Classy! I have some loose leaf ‘Blue Sky’ tea which is basically earl grey plus corn flowers.

How do you take yours? Milk or no?


I get annoyed with people when I ask if they would like a cup of tea and they pull out a list of do’s and don’ts. 1 and a half sugars, skimmed milk, not too strong, don’t put the milk in first, do you have a China cup. if you ever make me a cup of tea you can put 3 sugars in a stewed mug with full fat milk or just flash the teabag in the water no milk or sugar. For some reason this freaks people out having to make the decision for me bc they’re like well do you prefer it with or without and I’m like I really don’t mind and they stand there with the clogs going in their head, What shall I give him :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I assume people drink their tea like me until they tell me otherwise!

If someone is making tea for me I ask for it fairly strong or not too much milk, but I’ll take what I’m given and be grateful for whatever I get!


I’ll take one of yours any day :+1:

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Straight. No milk or sugar.

My daughter is the tea drinker in our house. I bring her lots of samples as quality teas are one of the things I sell. She likes the tea with fruit blends, and leaves the old school black teas for me.

I like barley tea in the winter though. Reminds me of living in the Far East. I make big carafes of it and we drink it throughout the day.


I add a splash of milk, because I’m English :joy: But it is nice black.

I haven’t heard of Barley tea, will look that up! Sounds wholesome.

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Tea definitely tea :flushed:


Look for it at an Eastern Asian market

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Here’s the tea shelf in our house :grin: I always loved tea, but since quitting drinking it’s been my go-to when having cravings. There’s just something about the ritual of starting the kettle, brewing up the tea, watching the steam … It’s almost like time has stopped if that makes sense :tea:
My current favourite a green tea blend with orange and ginger.


Oohh fun! Does it look blue on the cup? And no milk for me thanks! :coffee:

That sounds tasty. Is that a real bird!?

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Haha no he’s fake. That’s “Tucan” (even though he’s a parrot), we found him in the trash and decided he was the perfect fit for guarding the teashelf :grin:

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Paaahaha. I love toucan. Nice save. One mans trash is another mans treasure. I find all kinds of treasures like that.

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Awww! I wish i had a special tea shelf! :heart_eyes:


I am obsessed with Twinings Glow tea which is strawberry flavour and Focus tea which is mango. I swear I feel more focused while drinking that lol