How Do You Create Happiness?

I really needed this post so much!!..Thank you for the amazing reminder that we are in control of our individual selves and our actions/reactions and emotions are the biggest responsibility we have.

I love that picture as well, it’s just so sweet and spot on.


Thank you, every day, sometimes more, I come here for help finding answers for this battle. So many of you have provided such wisdom and with that comes great encouragement… be well.


Great share. Thank you :hugs:


Thank you for that post :heart_eyes::kissing_heart:
The last weeks have been stressful. I let the gossipping and toxicity from work travel home with me, kept it in my head where it became more and more powerful and finally started to drain me.
Yesterday I started to take vitamins again. I’ll reduce bad foods (chips and all kind of sweets I inhaled over the last weeks) and have to start taking care of me. In the end this creates happyness, when I know I treat myself well :heart: Thanks for the reminder.


My way to create happyness, YouTube while enjoying a bath


I was just talking to my therapist about this at my last session. I feel like I’ve lost the ability to be happy. I find that in moments when I should feel happiness I just feel “meh”. I think I’ve convinced myself that I don’t deserve happiness or something.

I CAN feel happiness FOR someone else. Like at my daughter’s play, or my other daughter’s dance recital, I can feel happy for them. Happy with their success after months of hard work etc. I can feel happy for someone else if they get a promotion or something. But I never feel happiness for ME.

Anyways. Recently it was posted here on the Motivation and Meditation post a fabulous quote from Carlos Santana.

“Happiness is not a destination or a feeling. It is a decision.”

That hit me right in the gut. WOW. It is time for me to decide that I do deserve to feel happy!!!


I’ve always had plenty in my life to be happy about, but I was stubborn as could be in holding tight to my negative emotions. That was my barrier. I wouldn’t let them go until the root cause of them was changed to let things work my way. Since I started learning to stop that nonsense, I’ve had happiness more and more. Can’t take cookies out of the jar with hands full of rocks.


Today I finished this, this was my creative happiness today! :heart:


Everyday I wake up I struggle with resentments and anger. There are times when all is calm and I feel contentment but it is is short bursts. I struggle with letting go of things I cannot change. I have read books, gone to meetings, prayed whatever I could think of. It is like have a toolbox full of tools but don’t know how they work. Your right though happiness and letting go is a decision. I have make the choice to let go and be happy. That means I have to pause and not react to situations. Keep working on you. It will all fall into place one day when you are not paying attention.


Exactly!! Happiness is a lifelong project, it’s fluid and there is really no standard measure. I think we all deal with resentments, I’m just trying to work through mine, and not let them cloud an otherwise sunny day!!

These are stunning :heart_eyes:

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Are the trees birtch?? They’re my absolute favorite

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You and I think alike :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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The picture is the cutest!!! I need reminders everyday, especially with the kids. Today I felt like screaming… but I had to take some deep breaths and count my blessings instead. Some days are much harder than others

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Awe you’re the sweetest!! Girl if anyone can teach about finding light in the dark it’s you!! Seriously :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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I absolutely love that quote, so so much. It’s spot on, we need to choose happiness and then navigate the best path to reach it everyday :two_hearts:

This is some grade A insight right here my friend!! I’m glad you and your spouse both realized this. My husband still holds lots of resentments, and has very poop coping skills, and I try to help him without compromising my own well being. It’s tough!

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My coping skills are poop too. :frowning:

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Great post, my eye opening lesson becoming sober has been forgiving and leaving it in the past, that is the only way I can bring myself to true happiness, I released the chains that I put on myself. How freeing it has been!!!