How does Faith play a role in your recovery?

How has your Faith played a role in your recovery?


Welcome.There are some threads about various faiths.

My Higher Power… God :rose:

Recovery Dharma: TS Sangha

If you mean faith in a religion, absolutely none.

But at the same time, my higher power is not me.

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For me my faith is what got me my sobriety! The Good Lord gave me and many of us who are sober on here another chance to be free from addiction by setting us free from sinful bondages like alcohol. I have been sober for over 11 months from drinking and it took God to get me here. Now remind you it also takes our will to comply and adhere to his voice and call.Our participation needs to go along with his will. His will in my case "Alcohol " is for me to be of a sober mind body and soul! If we want to really enjoy life we must do what he says because he knows whats best for us! Also no drunkards or drug addicts will inherit the kingdom of God and live in heaven if we willfully continue in this self destructive path.

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Faith is the most important thing for me in my recovery. Every time I relapse, I can feel God lifting me up again. I know I can beat this disease by the grace of God.

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