How many days y'all? (Part 2)

Way to go Sonia :smile::muscle:t4::tada:

7 months and countingā€¦ keep up the fantastic work :muscle:t4:



3.5 days. Lots and lots of turmoil in my life atm. Some would call it ā€œchangeā€ā€¦and thatā€™s putting it mildly.

Trying to push through each day as best I can for myself and my kids.


Cool number!! Now 40!!


You got this! The first few days are the hardest but, once you get through the rough patch, it gets easier. You have already shown incredible strength. Keep going!

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Alex, you seem very angry with this communityā€¦maybe things havent gone how u wanted them at times but i know youve also had ALOT of genuine support hereā€¦please dont allow your focus on the few to take away from the fact that alot of people here genuinely care for you, want the best for you and love you being here :heart:


Nice number but Iā€™m so sick and doneā€¦



Today has been the toughest- Completed two days sober. On day 3


555 days no booze


@Mischa84 are you ok?xx

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That is a lovely number love. :tada::confetti_ball:
Sorry you are sick. Hoping you get better real soon :pray:t4:
Done? Done with sickness orā€¦? Here if you need to chat or vent. :people_hugging:

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Welcome to the community Tim
Great work on 2+ days. Try ways to keep yourself busy as I find that helps with the urges. The days do get easier :people_hugging:
This is a great community for support and adviceā€¦hope you take time to read around and join us when you feel comfortable.

Look at all those 5ā€™s. Nicely done Curtis :clap:t4::clap:t4:
Keep that amazing streak going strong :muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada::hugs:

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@Starlight14 I catched some tummy bug, together with Sacha, my older boy. We were puking buddies almost all night long. Poor boy he is catching something all the time, he has no appetite for weeks, is so so so skinny :frowning: Iā€™m starting feeling better already, liquids are staying in my stomach and I even ate banana. Iā€™m afraid twins gonna be next and they are not controlling themselves good yet (vomiting-wise) so itā€™s gonna be hardcore if they will vomit as Sacha and me. Especially at night.
@JazzyS this time Im just done with this sickness :slight_smile: I feel so weak. Exactly same feeling like when I was hangovered. Walking like zombie, puking, feeling like having a knot in the belly. Gosh, how Iā€™m not missing it :slight_smile:
Boys are watching TV so much today. I donā€™t even feel bad about it. They are lucky I found some will to live and gave them a food :wink:
Thanks for asking girls :heart:


Oh Mischa im so sorry to hear this! Bless you both :pray: i really hope you guys are feeling better very soon, sending lots of love to you and Sacha :heart: :people_hugging:


That is a lot going on love. Iā€™m so sorry you are dealing with caring for the boys while you and Sacha are violently sick. Praying the twins donā€™t catch this
Grateful for tv on days like today. Nothing to feel bad about girl- you are doing the best (way more than I could manage). Hope you can find time to rest.
Wish I could pop over to help you.:people_hugging:


306 daysā€¦I canā€™t believe it!!

I am so grateful :heart::heart: thanks to all of you guys for your support!



Way to go Sara!! 10 months is amazing work girl ā€“ keep that momentum going strong :muscle:

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Day 4 and feeling great today