I have every right to be angry. My feelings are valid. The word care is overrated. Ppl say they “care” about someone, then go about their lives without giving the person they “care” about a second thought. It’s giving “thoughts & prayers.”
1,592. Not trying to stay clean anymore. Whatever happens, happens.
@Mischa84 very cool digits.
I hear ya…Sometimes, it just is what it is…
1593 days.
1594 days. Hanging on by a thread.
I’m day 43 & feeling a bit stronger
@XXIX that’s a very impressive number, congrats.
1,595. Feeling worthless.
@XXIX Alex, whats going on? Im sorry i havent been on here much this week. I started a new job. I dont know what i missed but you were so helpful and supportive to me when i first got here…i truly care for you! As so many others on here. Ive seen it. What is going on in your world? Outside of here…or is this something that someone here did to you? Lets talk through it. Can i message you?
one week today feeling extra proud because it’s the weekend and i have no urge to go out drinking
WOOT WOOT – 1 week is amazing and i love the extra pride! You keep that happy proud feeling going
This is HUGE.
Congratulations on your 1 week A.
You aren’t. No matter what your brain is telling you nobody is worthless. You deserve to be here and are deserving of a good life. Tell that liar brain to shove off.
1,596 days. Can’t shake this suicidal feeling. I’m scared.
Can you call someone? Just get through today…reach out. Text, phone, email…There are hotlines. Tomorrow will be different, you just need to get through this moment. Sending support over the wire…ODAAT
Hey Alex,
I’m sorry you’re hurting so much.
Can you text or give these people a call?
Crisis Text Line is the free, 24/7, confidential text message service for people in crisis. Text HOME to 741741 in the United States.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
In USA, text 741 741
or call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
1,597 day ones. Hurting badly.