How many days y'all? (Part 2)

Never stop trying, learn the lessons as they come along and always try something new bc so far what your doing ain’t working. Took me hundreds of attempts but the trick is if your going to fall, fall forward, there ain’t no point dwelling on yesterday’s. Today is the only day that matters.
I wish you well on your journey :+1:



1,570 days.


20 days today


1,571 days.


1,573 days. :star:


2 days is amazing friend – here with you and for you on your journey – Keep going ODAAT and you’ll be stacking up the days :muscle:


Beyond bless to know that God has not given up on me, day 39 & I’ve never felt so much better. I pray God gives you the strength to see the light in each day and I pray I stay in this path because I feel so free!


Hi Sam :blush: congrats for day #39 :smiling_face: God loves all of us. :smiling_face:


So beautiful to read Sam! Congrats on you sober time. :muscle:

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Crazy last year I did 4 months to what are the odds!
And surpass? I just made this last night. God works in mysterious ways and it has the word surpass in it if that ain’t a sign :raised_hands:t3::pray:

Treating people the way they treat you is an adolescent. Leadership is intrigued by influencing other people to develop a great lifestyle for themselves. Not to belittle them ,but to encourage them to understand instead of seeing them as a threat or a problem. Also gaining the patience to comprehend and help them find themselves intellectually without them feeling degraded by society is sincerely an understatement. That’s why I think one of the major steps to leadership for yourself ,and for your friends ,and family it’s so important to put God first because he has the answers to everything we go threw ,and if it is evil it will not surpass to the gates of heaven. Most importantly finding the value of healing starts with ourselves. But ONLY he has the power to heal us all and it all starts with HIM. :mending_heart::pray:


1,574 days. :star::sparkles:

4 years, 3 months, 3 weeks, & 1 day. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:🫶🏻


You will do it! :black_heart::sparkles:

Just focus on TODAY. Don’t focus on any other day when it comes to sobreity. That’s my method & I’ve surpassed 4 years.


Great stuff Alex!!!

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22 days :blush: there’s ups and downs but my sleep has improved in quality & quantity, so I’m happy for that.


That’s awesome! Congrats…sounds like you have found a format that is working for you! Thats the secret that so many miss. I had 12 years of total abstinence by finding and utilizing a format that worked for me. Until i stopped my self care rountines during the pandemic. I had a drink in March of 2023. Then a couple of drinks in April and then May-October a total blur of fucked up shit that i got myself into by the Grace of something stronger than my dumbass (Lol) nothing that cant be fixed but definitely found myself some pretty steep consequences. Anyways now im rambling. Sorry :sweat_smile: done now. You are a effing Rockstar!

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Thank you!

Sleep improving is the BEST! :sleeping:

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Thank you. 🫶🏻🥰 You’re not alone. Tons of ppl relapsed during the pandemic. A lot of ppl with eating disorders relapsed during the pandemic as well.

I work in the field of addiction. I lost 8 clients in about 6 months. It was too much to process while i was steadily gaining new clients and working with the clients i already had…not taking care of me. I needed something to take the edge off so i went to the “legal” drug dealer. Alcohol. I had never drank alcohol in my life. Thats how my disease tricked me into believing i could control that… joke was on me!