How many xanax bars to OD

Could be better i guess. What about you?

Hey thankyou it means alot!

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Sometimes a bit of genuine compassion from another human goes a long way i know it did for meā€¦i got hospitalised once through drinkingā€¦at the time i was so low and full of self loathing that i thought i wasnt worth any kind of kindnessā€¦the ambulance driver that held my hand and told me its gonna be okā€¦the nurse that hugged me as i cried when she didnt have to, my friends that rallied in the days after all showed me i was very wrong in that thought, thats what pulled me out of my addictionā€¦compassion. Nothing in this world is so bad that it cant be sorted out :heart:


Iā€™m okay mate but whatā€™s going on with you, were you asking because you wanted to overdose or because you were worried you were going to? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:

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I dont have many friendsā€¦kinda lost most of them to drugs and them fucking me over

Private message me if you want man, id probably tell you there

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You have all of us here now friend

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Internet friends are alot different to friends you see face to face

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Good to see youā€™re still here.
Fellow Aussie here :raised_hands:
Where abouts are you from?


Ok, well we are here if you need to talk, ive found some of my internet friends here to be some of the best friends i haveā€¦because they understand addiction, i wouldnt be sober without themā€¦sure they are on the internet but that doesnt make them any less real, dont underestimate the help you can get on here


Hey @Jett good to see sticking this out and talking about it.

Life is filled with many ups and downs, good and bad. In my experience when I felt down and out, it was because I allowed it to do that to me. I struggled to get out of the disappointment, disapproval, darkness, shame, guilt, etc.

When I realized I was choosing to stay in these moments, I focused on areas that caused me to remain there. This was really hard work and took some time, but after I did that work, which included removing myself from negative people and environments, it got so much easier to see the positives and move forward. I share this because my struggle also included someone whom I believed I loved and couldnā€™t live without, but in turn they were what was making it so difficult for me to open my eyes to the side of things that were good and healthy for me.

The choice is ours and ours alone, and I hope you know that you do have this within you to not only survive but to flourish and enjoy life. We canā€™t truly give our all and love to someone else unless we are whole and full of love for ourselves.

All the best to you!

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Hey there BJM im from Adelaide

Ahhh Radalaide!
I lived over there for a couple of years in Glenelg and worked at a restaurant in Holdfast Shores.
Iā€™m back in Perth now.
Have you tried any NA/AA meeting over there?

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No i havent. Im to scared haha

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Try them brother, even arm online onešŸ™


ah thatā€™s good news so thereā€™s a whole WORLD of a resource untapped and at your disposal.

man, so many of us have been where you were when you sent out that post. I wanted to be dead for years. :frowning: or just not experience the despair I was in then.

things CAN CHANGE. you CAN CHANGE. let this bunch of recovering fuckups w a new zest for life be proof of that to you! get some hope from that, just enough to make it to a meeting. and start changing. itā€™s time my friend.

start by participating on here regularly. there are many active threads and checking in on your own thread here will provide community and contact - addiction and depression thrive in isolation.

then get some other resources going, NA or AA should be top of the list but if you find anther combination of things more helpful and working for you, all the power to you. I have been in psychotherapy for over 4 years and never did AA, so there is not that one way.
Resources for our recovery

there are however experiential milestones and insights that oldtimers tend to gain and have in common, so you can learn from them: Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober).

much love and all the best!


Anything is worth a try, as a few other mention, there is online meetings or other types of communities like Smart etc.
I refuse to go to a meeting and ended up in rehab (donā€™t recommend that route of avoidable) :tipping_hand_woman:
Meetings or recovery groups are a great way to meet other people and realise youā€™re not alone :blush: