How often did u try moderation before realising it wasn't working? (if that is ur situation)

Oh I know those “rules” too haha, I always failed all of them like a pro


Ya I know moderation. Moderation works great!! For the first hour or two!! Then I use to get home and start looking for the cocktail shaker and seeing what liquor I have and mixers I can use. And Voila! Another cocktail or six. And then I’d think I’ll start being moderate tomorrow. Moderation? What a brilliant idea for an alcoholic. NOT!!


I have tried many times. I have tried things like only drink on weekend nights. Only drink 3 nights a week. Never drink 2 nights in a row. Tried to limit the amount to one little bottle. Or to one normal bottle. Tried to write down and count how much I drank and limit it to the recommendations (LOL).

Nothing worked more than a few days.

I am now 99 days sober and I know without doubt that I have to stay away from alcohol for ever. For me one glas will always end with two bottles a night.


All my life I told myself I’ll just have one more.


I tried moderation every day. Never seemed to get the hang of it.


I tried moderation many times. I’ve known for years I had a serious problem with alcohol, trying moderation was less scary than pulling the trigger of abstinence. I don’t regret those painful years leading up to my honesty of what I am. It’s a journey.


What’s funny in hindsight is I’ve found abstinence unexpectedly easier than trying to moderate. I thought it sounded impossible.

Maybe because I’m an alcoholic. Maybe from working a program. Maybe because the line is so much clearer if the decision is to just not drink.

I dunno. Either way, moderation was always a nightmare getting worse. For sure it was hard at first, but sober the path stays clear.


Sorry if this bumps the post unnecessarily, but on the very first day of trying moderation I was doing lines twice as fat as I would usually do, “but it was ok because I was doing it in moderation” would chin myself if I ever find a time machine


Same. I would say “only one glass” of wine or bourbon…and I would proceed to fill the glass to the top.


Every-time and one day in epic fail…

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My moderation was basically the most I can physically tolerate without dying. Didn’t matter what I was doing.


If you don’t die, it wasn’t enough.

Goat on a Barstool circa 2015


I tried various kinds of control or moderation for probably 14 years. Each go around things only got slowly worse, accelerating rapidly toward the end.

Getting sober is tough. But I can say with confidence that being sober has been way the hell easier than trying to control something that I never, ever could.

But I had people who showed me how.



I think I started trying moderation the year I started drinking heavily. I never could successfully drink. It was always too much, or if it was “just right” it was because I was doing everything in my power to only drink a small amount. “Doing everything” consisted of me having a mental tug of war of “to drink or not to drink. And if I do drink, don’t drink too much. How much is too much? If I drink water in between drinks, can I drink more. Maybe I can drink more if I make sure to go to bed earlier” etc, which took up so much space in my mind and probably reflected in my mood as well… and usually didn’t work lol

I white knuckled things for a month in 2018, then was drinking heavily for a few more months before I hit rock bottom. That’s when I knew moderation or drinking ever again was just not possible for me.


It’s a good post to bring back to life.

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I’ve never really understood the idea of moderation. Prior to being involved in any type of recovery, I drank to excess every single time.

After some periods of sobriety, every time I relapsed it was with the intention of drinking as much as I could for as long as I could.

I was never remotely interested in 1 or 2 drinks. I never tried to convince myself that I was. If I wasn’t getting hammered, I didn’t see the point.


Good post Flo :heart: I think falling down trying to moderate has been part of my journey. Everytime I think about that first drink, I think about that last time I tried to moderate…a year before quitting for good! Yup. Took another year before I could handle even thinking about sobriety again.

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Some brutal honesty there. Actually sober me wanted desperately to moderate. But once one drink was inside of me, I was the same, only wanted to get hammered.


Yep, I fooled myself I could control it a few more times since I made this thread. :cry:

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