I am obese and a smoker. Very concerned about the Covid

In theory, it would burn approximately 3500 calories over a week (If 10,000 walked daily). Which is approximately equal to one pound of weight loss each week. Although it varies by person, that’s the generalization

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I heard the band Meatloaf and Marlboro’s are doing a reunion tour.


I don’t know what the best recommendation would be, but I think progress is better than perfection. Start with whatever you can manage and work your way up. If that is 30 steps for you at the beginning, nothing wrong with that so long as you are being honest with yourself. One day you maybe you’ll reach 10k and beyond.


Per week? She said per week.

I don’t know anything about how many calories 10k daily steps burns. I’m just saying I think you burn more than 3500 calories in a week.

When I quit drinking, I was 60lbs overweight. I started walking. I was already eating everything in sight so if it weren’t for the walking, I’d likely have gained more weight. As it stood, burning off a bunch of nervous energy, minus the empty booze calories, I managed to drop 12 lbs in 90 days. Dropped 38 more once I started martial arts. Inspite of what Lloyd Bridges Airplane! character says, there’s never a bad time to give up smoking and beginning to eat right.


Oh I just assumed you were making fun of me using “k” because it’s usually used with money. My bad.

Also 10,000 steps is a lot if you normally only walk 3,000 steps, don’t you think?


Everyone is different, so I guess it’s just a number, one I have never attained.

After @DungeonMaster inadvertently step-shamed me, I went for the longest walk I have ever taken in my neighborhood. Thought it would be at least 10,000 steps. Nope. 2,000. :cry:

Note how shiny white my 6-yr old sneakers are :point_down::crazy_face:


Everything starts with that first step. Same with running or any type of physical activity. Start off small, then add by increments. Otherwise you run the risk of overdoing and hurting yourself.

Today you walk 2,000 steps around your neighborhood, tomorrow 2,500 or 2,020, just keep building from there. And give yourself a rest day.


Lol no it was my bad, I miss read what you said

It’s a goal for the general population. You’re much more active. But here, at least, the minimum recommendation is 150 minutes of physical activity per week. Or at least 30 min five days/week. Walking 10,000 steps for many average individuals likely takes at least 30 minutes. 10,000 can be challenging for many; office workers, etc.


Yes to this! Gradual increase for sure.


I mentioned ‘step-shaming’. I was joking. Sorry if it came off otherwise. I was grateful for the discussion that got me out of the house :+1:

PS: what’s the universal sign for ‘6ft distance please’ when crossing paths with folks? :thinking::sweat_smile:


Here are some very helpful tips and info on quitting smoking…it isn’t easy, but it can be done…

Edited to add: sugar free life savers were literally that for me when I quit.


Carry a long umbrella under your arm, I’m sure that will do the trick lol


Hockey sticks for distancing! That’s how Canadians roll :joy: :canada:


You may also find these tips helpful in quitting your diet soda habit…no time like the present!



:rofl: Yeah… at least in my county they explicitly note you can still go outside for walks and hikes, asking only that everyone maintain the prescribed distance from anyone they don’t live with.

Advice I should probably take. Been so lazy the last few days!


I didnt throw out 6000 steps because there’s some magical health benefit to 6000. But, that number is a good target to get someone on their feet for an extended period of time, considering that they are sedentary.