I am obese and a smoker. Very concerned about the Covid

Eat less and tinker with cast iron more.


Yeah. For all the step counter questions, my usual 5-6 mile weekend hike takes about 1.5-2 hours and is… I think 12k steps or so?

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I’m a big believer in walking. It’s easy and doesn’t require special equipment other than a decent pair of shoes. It’s also gentle on knees and hips. It’s sustainable. You can do it anywhere and at anytime.

After I quit drinking, a friend recommended I get a Fitbit. I thought she was a fool. But I got one and started walking every day. I lost 40 pounds in less than a year from walking and I’ve kept it off for five years now— by walking (and now also running) every day.

My two cents is to start moving. Everyday. Walk to the corner. Walk around the block. Walk to the park, to the store, to get coffee. I live in the city so I started getting off the train a few stops before I needed to so that I could walk. At this point, I walk EVERYWHERE. And it’s a good feeling to know I can do it.

Try to make sure you get up and move at least once every hour. My Fitbit gives me a buzz when I haven’t walked 250 steps in an hour. And when that happens, I get up and move. It works. And if you walk everyday, you will see and feel results. Honestly it changed my body and it changed my life.

As for smoking, I was just reading how smokers are at a greater risk for serious consequences if they contract covid19. I’ve never been a smoker but if you can, now’s the time to try to kick that habit.

I saw a guy today pull off a face mask in order to stick a cigarette in his mouth. I wanted to say “what’s the point of the mask?”

You were able to stop polluting your body with alcohol. Think of smoking the same way, don’t poison the system.

Hope this is helpful.


They helped me quit too. I made some friends on there too. 2 of which I still talk to. The one person, Dale, is the one who does Smoking Going Gone on Facebook. He is very good with the whole thing.

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Yes, a 5k is 3.2 miles, so makes sense.

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This morning I woke up and reached for a diet coke and I said “No”, and then I tried walking around the block. I made it 1/2 way, sat in the neighbor’s grass until they came out and gave me the side eye. I then walked back home, and avoided the news and took a nap.


Well done!! Just keep trying. It’s much like giving up alcohol or your drug of choice. One day at a time. Walk as far as you can and then try to go a little farther the next day. You’ll get there. Proud of you.


Losing weight is like getting sober.

You preach the simple answer to being sober, not drinking. Same applies for losing weight, cut the crap out and walk, it works.

I was 396 pounds at my heaviest, lo and behold, I reduced my calories and struggled on a basketball court daily, lost 150 pounds. Soon, running full court games with the high school kids was a breeze.

No time like the present bud.


I do usually 10K per day thanks to my dog companion. I believe it’s kind of maintaining level for me (we are all individuals) but not real excercise.


Pour out those diet cokes as well. Just like the alcohol…ditch the diet colas.

Also, as someone who is overweight (I recently got my weight below the obese mark) and who smoked for more than 30 years, I can totally relate to being worried about the virus. I am sick right now with heavy coughing and congestion…I don’t know if it is the virus or not, no testing available here…but yes, it is scary. So I can relate, as I am sure others who are sick can as well.

Little steps add up. Just like getting sober. A four pack a day habit is a lot. The only time I smoked that much was right after my husband died, that’s a lot of smoking.

Probably for your situation starting to whittle down the smokes would be a wise plan and do a bit of walking each day. I am sure others on here who share weight and smoking struggles can relate as well.

It is good you got out there for a walk today. Baby steps. And of course reaching out here as well. That takes strength.


Thats great! One step at a time :slight_smile:



I’m really happy that you’re seeking help to change your behaviors. What you’re describing is actually a life and death situation, regardless of Covid19.
It may seem impossible, at times, but the truth is that YOU CAN change yourself. And you will, if you want to. (I believe that you do, so I believe that you will)

I want to try to help, if I can.
Do you have a journal or a pad of paper, by chance?



How are you doing?

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I have ditched the diet coke, walking at a brisk pace, increased my fats and cut my carbs. Reduced the smoking and avoiding the news.

Everyone’s advice was great. Life is good! Will update with my progress in a couple of months.


Be careful with sweets! Ding dongs and tiger tails are loaded with sugar and unhealthy fats. Keep up your lifestyle and you will end up in a coffin before coronavirus gets to you!

Jesus, man. 4 packs a day, and binge eating sugar is going to kill you before this virus. Make a plan, and stick to it. Start cutting back on cigarettes and wean yourself off. You can still isolate and walk or try to get an exercise machine, can get used ones as well to be more cost efficient. Start making slow steps to begin your health journey. I too eat a lot of sugar and binge eat. I have a horrible habit of night eating, but over the last few weeks I been doing better. I weaned down and tomorrow starts the no sweets. You can do this


I know it’s frowned upon here, but maybe we can start a GoFundMe to help with @Forged addiction. He just needs a lot of help!

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Your neighbor did not come over and see if you were all right? Jeez!!! Nice neighbor!!! If I saw you sitting on my front lawn I would definitely go and see if you needed me to call for help. SMH…I just have no words…


How dare you suggest I need a GoFundMe. Money won’t fix the problem. Stop trolling me.


I don’t get along with the neighbors very well. I am a bit of a grump.