I did it , I survived my first weekend

I survived my first weekend sober. 7 days today and I am doing well despite my husband getting SF all weekend. Watching it did not make me want to drink but quite the opposite. I do not remember the last time I went 7 days (or 3) without alcohol. Ready for the new week, one day at a time. Wishing :revolving :yellow_heart: strength and healing for everyone. K


Congrats on the 7 day and first weekend milestones! Those are major milestones. Keep fighting for your sobriety


Congratulations on one week and a sober weekend. I love seeing my TS peeps succeed. I feel it’s a good sign for you that your husband’s drinking was a turn-off. You can do more than survive Kristen. You can thrive. You have made a commitment to be a better version of yourself. That is so great for you. Do you have other support besides TS? Alcohol was not my doc but because a family member has an addiction to alchohol a friend here recommended Al-Anon and I find it very helpful. Keep the community posted. All the best


Congrats!! That is a huge accomplishment because now you have shown yourself that it’s possible. Keep up the hard work :muscle:


Now that you’re stressing to get your feet under you, it’s time to ask yourself “What’s my plan?”. And fortunately there is a great thread on that very topic!
Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


Congratulations on your 7 days and first weekend. I remember that feeling of accomplishment well.
My wife continued to get SF all through my sobriety. If SF stands for what I think it stands for :poop: :smirk:
I’d love to read what you’re grateful for.

Great job Kristen!


Thank you for the question and the direction. Today’s goal is to continue making the plan.


Congratulations on a full week! :partying_face:
That first week was the hardest in my opinion. Now that you got that behind you, begin executing your plan. The more tools you have in your sober toolbox the better your chances. :muscle:


Congrats @Rookie !

That first week is a doozy but ODAAT and you’re there! Keep it up why not!!


Congratulations! Great work!


Good on ya! Keep on stringing those pearls of freedom together!


Congrats on your first weekend sober!


Well done you!!! The first weekend is always an adjustment- esp when old habits and familiar pastimes try to lure you back in; congrats on staying true to you!!!


Yahoo on the first of many weekends to come!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Way to smash through the weekend and clock up 7 days @Rookie! Where did you get the strength to do it, despite your husband drinking around you? That’s a milestone worth celebrating. With conviction like that, I’m sure you’re on a good track for another week of one day at a time sobriety.


Keep it going Kristen, you are doing just great!
Making a plan for yourself is a smart thing to do!
I made one of my own 5 years ago and it worked wonders. I’m still sober since.
I will share it with you, maybe you see someting you can use in yours 2 years sober and what helped me to get there: Congratulations with your first week sober, may many follow!!


Congratulations :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: round of applause to you!

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That’s amazing, congratulations! The first weekend was extremely hard for me but now I’m almost three years sober! Keep that same mind frame and continue with your sobriety, it is achievable and you have now shown yourself that. Very proud of you, you can and will do this!

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This is amazing!!! Fantastic work. I was just speaking to my husband this weekend about my first few weeks sober. We (both sober) were talking about how…now that we are a ways away from drinking, the magnetic pull is weak, but how in early sobriety, pulling ourselves up it of the hole and stringing together those first days took AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF STRENGTH.

The best part is, as you pull yourself out, you get STRONGER, and eventually, the pull gets weaker.

What has been working for you so far?


What a great start! Getting started is the hardest part. Thanking you didn’t end up in jail or with an alcohol related health issue it’s just your own spidey sense telling you it’s time!

Now my advice. Yes get a plan. DO NOT let your guard down. I’ve been sober almost two year years. Alcohol is sneaky, I had my guard up for things like the obvious, bars, parties etc but how I fell off years ago was simply opening a bottle of champagne for friends and it started to bubble over and I drank the champagne spilling out. I was powerless and totally unprepared and I spent at least another six years drinking before I stopped.

Always have your guard up anticipating road blocks before they happen. If u can do it so you can you!!!