I don't know what to do with myself

I have been smoking marijuana for a long time, since the age of 17 years old. To the fact I relied on it for everything. I am so proud of myself I have been sobber for 30 days and 1 week🥳. How do you keep yourself busy?


What do you enjoy?

Or even what have you never tried?

Cooking, crafts, sport, learning an instrument, DIY projects, reading.

For me this was a big issue the first time I gave up for a length of time. I had nothing to replace the boozing and all that went with it. I subconsciously turned to junk food and overeating to cope.

When lockdown happened I’d started on a path to overhaul my lifestyle, lost two stone, gained muscle mass and rlmore importantly started to tackle my relationship with food.

I always had house renovations as a sideline and I got into American smoking and BBQ. Built an outdoor BBQ kitchen and got into BBQ as a hobby big time.

It really gave me another focus that was positive (as long as I didn’t eat too much BBQ myself)

In the early days depending on how bad the cravings are the focus must be that above all, but for me improving your lifestyle and health as well as new interests is critical


Using the little magnifying glass in the toolbar up top, I did a quick search for “hobbies” and found lots of threads for you to check out! I love doing those searches because chances are the questions I have have been asked before, and this is a common one. By all means do your own search but here are a few I’ve found of other people’s hobbies (including some of my favorite threads!)


Huge congrats on being sober for a month and a week Ola! That’s a huge achievement. I’m proud of you. And welcome to this community which has been a great help in my sobriety. Hope it can be for you too. Spending time here as filled some time I used to fill with smoking and drinking. So that’s already one thing to do :sunglasses:.
Otherwise you already have gotten some good suggestions I think. Me myself I do a lot more physical exercise since I quit using, hiking, cycling, going to the gym. And I’m working on bettering myself mentally too, now the fog inside my head of being under the influence has cleared. Doing therapy. Not saying you should. Saying you go and search what it is you like to do. Take your time, try things, explore, discover. Sober living is so much more than just not smoking weed. I wish you all success and hope to see you around Ola.


Congrats on your 30 days.
I do lot’s of different stuff to keep my mind of the booze. Taking care of my plants, excersis, reading different books about my addictions, make chainmail, and coloring.
Somebody on this forum gave me a good tip on buying a coloring book for adults. This helps me allot when I am bored or have cravings. I just focus my mind on Coloring… And I must say… this is great therapy!



I stopped smoking marijuana 2yrs ago and im on day 19 for no alcohol.
Marijuana was tough as id smoked it most my adult life, i now live happy without it, the hard part at the beginning was changing who i hung out with or at least with friends that understood my situation and didnt tempt me, also if i smelt it walking down the street, but i stuck with it and now lifes good without it, 30 days is brilliant you should be very proud.

As for keeping busy …
Today i went shopping and brought the ingredients to make 3 different curries :nerd_face:,
Iv just got back home and thought wow what a task iv set myself but im going to do it as it will keep me busy, be enjoyable cooking and also tonight it will be worth the feeling i accomplished a goal i set myself and also getting to eat it.

Going for walks (walking a dog if you have one or know someone who could do with the help).

Volunteering will keep you busy and also give you a feeling of doing good which can be very satisfying.

Cleaning is also gratifying once its done and you can relax and look at it.


These are just some ideas im also trying to fill my days and get a new routine that doesnt involve me drinking a glass/bottle of wine to motivate myself.

Good luck with your journey your doing great :+1:


Congrats on your clean time!!!

It was difficult for me to focus on anything for the first few months so I needed what I call “mindless tasks” while my brain re-calibrated. One of the things that passed time for me was diamond - art. You can buy the kits on Amazon and they are fairly inexpensive ( def less costly than weed) they are pretty and I felt accomplished when I finished mine.
Listening to podcasts on recovery and addiction was also helpful. I purchased quite a few self help type books. Brene Brown , “The gifts of Imperfection” was one of my faves. I read SO MUCH on here.
Getting outside into nature and being present was very valuable to me, it made me grateful for my recovery and realize what I had been missing.
The first few months were tough but it’s so worth it if you hang on.


Thank you so much for the inspiring Response…

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Thank you for responding and giving me Amazing feedback…

Thanks for sharing your story, ideas and well done to you.

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Awww Thank you and I appreciate your supportive response.

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Thank you and Congratulations to you
I will take your advice.

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