I feel like probation is the only thing keeping me sober

I got arrested for drinking and driving. I’m now seven months sober and I will be off probation in next month. I feel like probation is the only thing keeping me sober. I want to drink so bad. I hate being sober I feel like I’m trapped in my own skin. I just want a glass of whiskey more than anything. I know I have a problem and I need to stay sober. I just hate this so much.


I wouldn’t do it pal. It will only lead you down the same path maybe prison next or worse dead. You have done so well 7 month sober. I can only speak from my experience but having a drink after so long away from it will end in disaster. Sorry if I am sounding negative in some way I just don’t want to sugar coat it. Have you tried counselling at all or talked to your doctor.


Seems like you are white knuckling it? Do you have any help right now like AA, rehab ore your doctor?


Hi @Hdratmessiah Joey and welcome here. The trick to leading a sober life is building one. Everyone on this app who’s got solid sobriety has worked on themselves, faced the reasons why they escaped into drugs and alcohol and learned how to cope with life and their own feelings without that escape. There is no other way around it, you gotta put the work in. They say the only thing that has to change in recovery is everything. If you lead the same life you did when you drank and stay the same person, you will most definitely drink again. What you are doing is called white knuckling. You’re gripping at the steering wheel of your addiction but not changing course. It’ll lead you to the same old place.

I’m so glad you came here with a month of safety on probation to go. You can make a god start in that month!

Chance is possible. There is so much knowledge and inspiration on this app. And everyone here knows what it’s like to be you, to want nothing more than that glass of whisky (I was a big whisky drinker myself).
I’ll add some of my fav threads in the hope they can spur you on a bit.
There’s is also a daily check in thread for accountability. Use it and benefit like so many others!

Good luck!
Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser
Resources for our recovery
Welcome to the forum! 2022


Try a meeting they will help wish you well


Welcome Joey :hugs:

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Welcome to the forum. Surf around a bit and you will find some stories that ended a lot worse than DUI. Only you can do you. This can be your bottom, if you stop digging, my friend.

Clearly you want better for yourself, otherwise you wouldn’t be here in this forum. I am glad you’re here and I hope you stick around.