I fell off the wagon

You have to do the steps as if your life depends on it, because it does…

12 steps & 12 traditions / page 24

" Under the lash of alcoholism, we are driven to A.A., and there we discover the fatal nature of our situation.

Then, and only then, do we become as open-minded to conviction and as willing to listen as the dying can be.

We stand ready to do ANYTHING which will lift the merciless obsession from us."


I’m just so stuck atm.
Iv 2 kids and a partner who’s ready to leave me because of my drinking problem.
That’s not what I want, I love them alot.

I just don’t know what to do anymore to make myself better.
I thought I had a control of it but before I knew it, it had control of me.

I’m so lost

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Hej Simon, it took me 35 years to recognize that my addiction ruled my life. But enough ist enough. I started with much reading, now I am looking for a sober tribe cause I really lacked it. I’ve got eight children who don’t like me drinking and a husband who considered beer to be his main food. There’s always a way out and you will find it, If there’s help it’s much easier. Find your sober tribe, here are many wonderful people offering real help. I am on my way, maybe we’ll walk a piece of it together. We can :heart:

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8 kids woo they must keep you busy :).
Iv just admitted to myself that I’m an alcoholic and it was hard. Very hard


Thank you so much!!!
Thats the plan!!!

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I have that is when God is closest to us, when we run out of answers , when our limited self is confronted with its limitations. Write a tenth step and take it to your sponsor. If you don’t have a sponsor, please get a hold of one.

If you follow the directions found on this step, your higher power might give you the answers you need. It may not like the answers you get, but your ideas are not working,

other than an alcoholic death, what do you have to lose??

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Welcome back, Judy. Good on you for not beating yourself up over it.

I’ve told others that, you never need to worry about coming back, that’s the good part, everyone is rooting for you, and the wagon will slow down as much as it needs to in order to pick up even the most hurt of individuals.

You got this. Good luck with the court stuff. Keep your head up :sunny:

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How ya doin today Judy?

Hello Simon,
I admitted to myself that I was an alcoholic, but then kind of left it at that for a long time. I had to progress to acknowledging that I could not treat my alcoholism on my own, and even more basic that I did not know how to stop and stay stopped. I started gaining sober days when I sought help and accepted whatever help was offered to me. There are a couple of threads here that are full of information on just that, the help that folks have used to get sober and stay sober. Check out Resources for our recovery and 2 years sober and what helped me to get there: to help you get started.

Blessings on your house as you begin the rest of your life. :pray:

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Hi -

Not meaning to but into the conversation, but I wanted to also add in a book reference…Quit Like a Woman! Great read!

Wishing you every success…hugs

I too fell off the wagon 2 days ago and have felt like complete garbage. I haven’t slept in 2 days and it doesn’t help that I am out of Seroquel and dealing with a domestic violence incident in December that left me with terrifying attack nightmares. Prazosin does nothing. I’m going on fumes right now and almost delirious. I talked to a nurseline who told me she wouldn’t advise the ER because of Covid right now so I’m suffering it out. I told her , “well I can’t stay awake forever! Eventually I’ll crash!” So true but it almost made me want to order MORE alcohol so I couldn’t sleep. I also lost custody of my teen girls many moons ago and miss them like crazy. I talk to them daily though. I am going to do a Zoom meeting tonight in my area and get out the dusty AA book. I have previously gone to inpatient and outpatient treatment multiple times so I’m not so hopeful it will work this time around. After all that sobriety I binged! Since 2018!


@Judy111…we all fall down, but we get backbup!..stay strong, stay positive and keep the faith :grinning::100::pray:t5:

I relapsed a week ago, one of many. I’ve been taking it day by day and reaching out to my husband and family/friends when l get the urge. I feel like a failure every time I relapse but we’ll get there one day when that relapse is our last.