I finally found somone who makes me want to stop drinking

Okay so this is my first post and also my first time trying to stop. Its been since i was 15 at every chance i could get. It wasnt so frequent until I turned 21 I am turning 23 in november. It got really bad because I was drinking to dumb myself from the relationship I was in. It ended recently and I found someone by chance that made me want to stop relying on that because it steals a big part of me. I started this journey last week and she turned me onto this app. Right now Im at 12 hours because I broke down. I live in a rural area so there is not much to do on any given day being I do not have a car or license so I cant do much to distract myself. I am staying with a blue collar cousin that unintentionally enables me. I dont want to be that person anymore what can I do to distract myself? I appreciate you reading this message even if you dont have any answers


Welcome here! Read around and find connection to stay on your sober path.


I lost a lot of time in my past with drinking. So when I quit I had a lot of time left to fill in. What I did was a lot of walking while listening to a recovery podcast like “recovery elevator” for example. I also tried to pick up my old hobbies, the ones I used to enjoy before drinking.

Welcome here, there is so much to read here so you can spend a lot of usefull time here too.
There are also threads about finding new hobbies here. Use the magnifying glass above to find all the interesting stuff you wanna read about. This forum is filled with old and new treasures :wink:

I’m not from your country so English is not my native language. I do not know what “blue collar” means but I do understand she drinks with you? Does she know about your desire to a sober life?


Blue collar means working class.

@DarkoDeimos it’s time to look inward and get busy at the same time. Investigate your reasons why you need to escape life, the reasons that lie within you, not with others. Why was drinking your answer to a bad relationship, you could have left, you could have done something else, we always make choices. To understand our choices means we gain some freedom.

There’s AA online meetings on intherooms.com and there are a million good resources that are free or cheap and remotely useable. This is the start of your journey, I wish you success!

Resources for our recovery

Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)


Thanks :sunglasses: (some extra :upside_down_face::upside_down_face: because the need of 10 characters)


Welcome to TS! Like already said there’s a ton of good information and support here. If you believe you can, you will. :blush:

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Welcome to the forum @DarkoDeimos ,look into the programmes of recovery on here and get one TODAY . Don’t blame your cousin people do not make our choices for us we do ,excuses do not get us into recovery, hard work and picking up sober tools at every moment we crave gets us recovery( you will find these suggestions of tools on here ) there are limitless things we CAN do !!!but only ONE none of us can , and that is drink alcohol we are addicts and we are addicts for life .stay close to the person that got you on this forum and do not ask or let your cousin enable you anymore …the word your looking for is NO ,say it to the addict voice in your head when it wants you to pick up . . If you don’t pick up the first drink you cannot get drunk . Only focus on this day and this day alone ,you can recover we all are proof of that one day at a time . I wish you well :heart:


You could use the money not spent on addiction and get driving lessons instead


I am glad you found someone. Having said that, I also feel there is a pitfall right there: if you need someone else to make you want to stop drinking, what will happen if a) you feel resentful and angry towards that person when you two have inevitable arguments? b) you break up with that person or vice versa? c) heaven forbid you lose that person?

I feel that you would be better off doing some more work to figure out why you want to stop drinking for you, instead of using a partner as an emotional crutch. There are tons of threads here that can inspire you to find that reason to want to be and do better for yourself.


What @Dirk said

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welcome to this group. We’re Happy yo are here.