I need to drink. Crisis moment

I’m in a bad zone where I just don’t care.
Rather, I feel like I don’t care.


I didn’t know that was you name. It’s a very pretty name. I just know you as the roller blade person.


I don’t want to say the wrong thing. I can only speak from my experience. When I have had a drink when I really felt I couldn’t do it it has always resulted in me feeling worse not better. I think the drink will help but it never does. You are here and talking and that means you don’t want to give in to it. Every hour that passes you are getting stronger.Try to remember all the reasons you stopped they are still valid. Good luck. Sending love


Thank you. Answered above. I’m just not coping today, feel like throwing the towel in.


Haha, thank you. I’m pretty well known to my friends as the skater girl too, :heart:🛼


Gratitude works great for me. Especially if I’m feeling down. Some people go on there and force them selves to write down ten things there grateful for. It’s a pretty powerful tool.


Since you’re here. And if you got time to read. Brian started a great thread about HALT.
It’s a good read. And it won’t make you black out or give you a hangover.


I use to live rollerblading when the kids were young. A hundred years ago. I love watching the young adults at the beach glide by effortlessly. So nice to be young.

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A few days ago you had a hard time too and you came here as well to ask for help. What helped you back then to overcome it?
Every minute you push trough is a win! A craving will not last forever. They come and go.
I know it’s hard, I’m addicted to alcohol as well.


You’re never too old to take it up. I often do marathon skates with a 72 year old man. :grinning:


I pretty much tucked myself into bed and watched mindless TV until I fell asleep. But I can’t do that right now. It’s my safe space.


I did it. Thank you. I have a lot to be grateful for :relaxed:


I remember it hurting my back. I’m a big stiffy. I know my limits. It hurt my back 20 years ago. No way I’m trying it now. Got to listen to your body when your 62. Or learn the hard way. I’m sick of learning the hard way.

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Can you create that same feeling somewhere else? Like on the coutch behind a blanket with a candle on? Maybe burning some encense? Watch Netflix? Do you have a bathtub? That gives me the feeling of a save space always :wink:
I do not know your timezone ore if you have to work ore other stuff.


By the way. I think your pretty cool coming on here and asking for help. That takes courage. Great job.
Nice gratitude list.
All right.
Got to get my screens off before 11. Nice meeting you officially Amalia.


Hi there. I too have been having a lot of struggles with my 14 year old daughter. This is just an awful age. I try not to take personally anything she does or says to me. It’s really a challenge. My safe space is my bed with my TV. If I have to go to bed to end the day sober, turn on the insight timer app, whatever I need to do to end the day sober, I do it. Those days aren’t very frequent anymore, but still happens time to time. Hang in there. You are very likely to feel much better tomorrow morning.


I’m home now. I’ve locked the doors and put on my jammies so there’s no going out now. I’ve just had a big cry after seeing my BF briefly who smelt like vodka so that set me off. I’ve got a good book and you guys. I’ve just got to get through tonight. :muscle:


You can do this

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Sounds so similar.
My daughters at her friends house now and I’m in bed, about to read some of my book. Thanks for replying. :slightly_smiling_face:


You are welcome, and ironically my 14 year old challenging teenager is my avatar pic 13 years ago. What the hell happens to them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:?