I relapsed again and this time I don't know how to stop

Exactly…whatever works right?

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Hey everyone! Checking in here on day 12! Today has been a good day so far! The week hasn’t exactly gone to plan and I ended up in hospital yesterday for something unrelated to my addiction.

Before I stopped working a couple of weeks ago i mentioned I hurt myself after letting a tree fall on me while clearing a garden. (actually as I write this it is actually linked to my alcohol addiction) Well at the time I injured myself I fobbed it off and in the mean time I relapsed and binge drank for a period of time. Essentially numbing the pain in my shoulder.

So now during my time of sobriety of the last few weeks the pain returned ten fold and eventually I had no choice but to get myself to the emergency room where it turns out I had fractured the top of my arm where it connects to the shoulder but because I was drinking and ignoring the pain, I never went to the hospital and as a result the fracture has semi healed and I’ve torn a ligament around the shoulder too.

There’s not much they can do now because it’s semi healed and all I can do is rest and stretch and attend physio. Thankfully the damage won’t be long lasting but it’s yet another reminder as to how negatively drinking affects me mentally and physically. I’m extremely grateful for being sober, for being able to catch this and also reinforces why a sober me is a better me.

So today I have set aside a book I picked up recently, a fiction scifi novel to distract and escape the pain while also resting and stimulating my brain.

I hope everyone has a good day and gets through it safely.


The best place to start for you to get success in recovery is to get a professional substance use disorder assessment.

Day 12! Way to go! :smiley:
Keep up the good work.

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Day 12. Way to go!!! Stay strong friend
It’s hard. But keep fighting.

In The Rooms is a really great platform to go for meetings. It’s free. :pray:


@Tgash0124 thank you! I have been looking for online meetings but have been apprehensive just for Internet security reasons! I’ll check this out! Thank you!


Hope all is well :white_heart:
There are thousands of ppl on in platform for in the rooms.
I promise it’s a very safe place :hugs:
It’s approved for anyone on paper to join the meetings too.
You don’t even have to show your face. It’s that private :pray:

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Hey everyone! Just checking in today on Day 15. I’ve had a good weekend, the weather has been nice and instead of working in the garden I was able to enjoy it.

I’m just back in from a meeting and I was up early this morning to bring my dogs for a walk before it got too warm for them.

My plan for today is just to relax and be grateful for waking up sober and being happy. Enjoy the rest of the day


I have just read your first post and now your last… and now im smiling. Very happy to read that! :muscle::smiling_face:


Way to go! I’m so proud of you! 15 days is a great accomplishment!

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I just read your first post and I’m so glad I could scroll down to see this one! Keep going, the beginning bits are so hard and I’m so happy for you this is such an amazing achievement! This was one of the best things I ever read about those early days. Im now 10 months in and am on the other side of it, I promise it exists :heart:


Just a quick update and check in on day 20! Tomorrow will be 3 weeks, from where I was 3weeks ago to now I cannot believe I’m here. Granted I’m in pain with my shoulder injury which I have been careful with as regardless painkillers.

My doctor had given me codeine and I was becoming a bit too fond of reaching for them when the pain got bad so I have just cut it back to paracetamol and ibuprofen. I’m much more aware of my addictive personality

I’m back for counselling on Tuesday and I’m feeling positive! Hope everyone is doing good and getting through each day!


Congratulations on your 20 days!! Sounds like you are doing well!! Smart choice on cutting back on the pain meds. :+1:


Hey everyone I hope you guys have been good and safe. I’m here on day 23! I can hardly believe it myself. 3 weeks ago when I initially wrote this post I never thought I’d last 23 hours let alone days!

It’s not been easy but I have battled through it and kept up my counselling which has been a massive help. I do only have a few weeks left though and after I finish that I have applied for a place in a residential setting as I know the deeper I go with my counselling that I will be dealing with some very triggering stuff and being in a residential treatment centre has been recommended by my psychotherapist as the best way to be able to deal with the issues I have as well as keeping my sober living on track.

I also had my bloods done today to check on my liver function and if my doctor is happy with them I should be able to start my ADHD medication.

I am so grateful for this community and app, I don’t think I can even put it into words, I’ve recommended it to other people too as I have joined other sober groups on social media and they aren’t that good for resources and links and support. I hope everyone is doing well and getting through each day safely :heart:


Well I can’t believe it. My timer on the app has just passed 28 days. 4 full weeks sober. I never thought I would be able to do it. I have been taking a break from social media and even my phone in general which is why I haven’t checked in as frequently. I have been going to meetings and have my counselling I’ve just been keeping busy and appreciating having the energy to do so.

It’s just a quick check in for today and I hope everyone is getting through each day. Thank you all so much for the support. This app is my lifeline for reading and for journaling and getting me through the sticky patches when the cravings pop up. :heart:


Im so happy for you Gaz thats amazing!! Your doing so well :blush:

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I’m proud of you Gaz!! I’m hitting one week tomorrow and I feel awesome. Let’s keep on rockin in the free world baby!! :call_me_hand:t2::muscle:t2:


This is amazing!! Congratulations on your 28 days!! Very happy for you. :muscle::partying_face:


…“and I don’t know how to get out of this cycle”

…Truthfully, it’ll be hard to quit drinking until you deal with why you drink…and that requires honesty…get comfortable with being uncomfortable…and listen to your mother…it really sounds you have support.

Be well on your journey


Hi am Sharon
I know how you feel
Am relaping to many times
And its scaring me :pray: