I think I totally fucked up

i’m LOVING this play-by-play!

a bit of unsolicited advice – if you’re still madly in love with her you need to initiate more of a conversation to get you two in the same place. this ending sounds like an abrupt end to the whole conversation. say something along the lines of, i’d love to catch up sometime over coffee if you’re interested. if she says no, than you know where she stands.


side note, i love men who express their vulnerability! rob, you are a true gem! :heart:


Awwww thank you @claire-lo that means a lot thank you! I’m going to post what happened since the last post. It’s pretty amazing but I think I totally went overboard with my responses because I was so grateful. Here they are. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!



omg am i in a jane austin novel bc i’m WEEPING!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:


these sound so positive and that she is READY and you are READY. i cant. where are the tissues.

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@claire-lo is the weeping a good thing!!! Lol

it is such a good thing.

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That’s so rad!!! Thank you!!!

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:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: YAY!!! thank you so very very much!!!

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@Rockstar24777 this is awesome!! I just got caught up on the whole thread!! I remember when you said you reached out to her a few weeks ago and she didn’t respond. This is great I’m so glad she’s responded and you guys are on speaking terms.

Good for you man you really deserve this with how hard you’ve been working on your sobriety :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Wow thank you so much @Nordique this is definitely a miracle and such a blessing. I’m so grateful thank you again!!!

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I truly don’t know what’s going to happen and I’m doing my best not to put any expectations on this but I truly am grateful for the fact that she cares and forgives me and even apologized for treating me bad that’s so wonderful thank You God!


I feel you bruv I did the same I felt like a fool seeing how she never gave a toss about me and just used me cause she didn’t want to be alone live and learn I guess live and learn smh

Ok so I wanted to post an update about reaching out to Faith yesterday. I am going with it was definitely 100% a sign for sure hearing that random song in the store and reaching out to her. These were the last interactions last night before I went to bed:

and. @claire-lo this is what I woke up to this morning…

This is a good sign right??!?!? I’m so grateful for all of you thank you so much!


Thank you @RetainKing I appreciate that. Yes I will still keep my recovery first and leave the results up to God. She’s my ex fiancé and we were set to get married today. I’m just really grateful that she’s in my life. I’ve prayed so hard for this to happen someday and I knew it would have to be all Gods doing and here it is I’m blown away. I will do my best to keep my heart in check and not put expectations on anything but she is the one love of my life and I’m still head over heels in love with her. Have a great day Andre thanks again!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

team rob and faith! this is so good. i love love :two_hearts:


Thank you so much @claire-lo I’m so grateful!!!

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I don’t want to bust everyone’s bubble here, but this can end badly.
You are doing well in your recovery, but you have not spent nearly enough time worrying about you. A few months is huge for us, but it does not mean you are ready for this situation with your ex. I also feel like you have continued to worry about your situation with her a lot, too much imo. I may not post too often, but I read a lot.
Tread carefully. And don’t get your hopes up so high that you come crashing down.
I know today was supposed to be your wedding day, and that can bring up so many emotions, but you really are supposed to be concentrating on YOU .
I posted a couple years ago about how your addictions are selfish as fuck, and recovery needs to be just as selfish- if not more. And it still stands true. My husband was the very bottom of my concern list that first year. He is a grown man and could handle his own shit while I got myself in order. Now, a few years in, I dote on him. I appreciate him so much for allowing me to do what I needed to do for me.
I urge you to remember the path you decided to go on, and to stay the course.


Thank you @Sober_Ninja I appreciate your concern. :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Thanks for speaking up. I’m reading this whole thing just ready to lose it.

@Rockstar24777, dude, this isn’t a romance novel. I know you are hurting and don’t want to imagine your life without her, I really do get it, but this is too much emotional risk. There IS no protecting your sobriety when you are letting your emotions rule your actions and decisions. With 4 months of sobriety/recovery you should be learning how to walk again, not how to make yourself vulnerable with someone who could unintentionally throw your world into a downward spiral.

I really hope you see and understand the importance of learning to love yourself before you risk your emotions on someone else. Can you answer me this one question…

Do you truly love yourself? In only 4 months, have you truly forgiven yourself for the things you’ve done, both to yourself and to everyone around you? Have you changed so drastically from that man that you can put it all on the line?

I don’t write this to be an asshole. I write this because I don’t want to see that spark die that I’ve seen growing in you recently.

So, I ask again, do you truly love yourself?