Yeah like some out of the blue good karma or something. Positive energy or whatever.
Only you and whatever you believe in can judge where to place your boundaries to realize strong recovery.
At the same time, humility doesn’t equate to doormat.
We should be sensible, tactful, considerate and humble without being servile or scraping… we stand on our feet; we don’t crawl before anyone. (p. 83)
It’s good you have such tranquility in the face of frustration. It’s a fine line, altruism. Knowing where to set aside our small desires because that’s best, versus maintaining ground as a matter of pride.
At the end of the day though, we only really control our own thoughts and actions. And if we’re very fortunate, sometimes finding our peace is contagious to those around us.
I wanted to update my bitching. Measuring cup back in kitchen. Plastic coffee cup is now in dog food bag.
Went to daughter’s house today. Husband picked up two mixing bowls. Halfway home got a phone call from daughter asking why did you take my dog feeding bowls. Those are what she uses to feed her dogs. Husband said he will replace tomorrow. I said take those bowls back as I was thinking “don’t sweat the small stuff”. He asked if I was sure. Daughter has been helping me with house chores and I said yes. Husband also told me he did not want a divorce and he sees a big improvement in my attitude. This is the big stuff and I am very happy.
Very proud of your accomplishments
I understand that you just wanted to vent. I just want to encourage you to communicate. You dont have to give up things that are important to you. If you have a purpose for something and someone takes it you can tell them you wou like them to use something else that those thing already have a purpose somewhere else. Communicating is a skill you hàve to learn. With out it i would lose my mind daily having a husband and inlaws!
I agree but when you can choose to fight over mixing bowls or try to save a marriage mixing bowls seem so insignificant.
Spouse wasn’t home 10 minutes and complained about the 1 thing I didn’t get completed. I am praying for wisdom comfort and change in thinking/feeling. He can make me feel so bad when in fact I am thriving and doing great.
Sending strength your way. Honestly don’t understand the mood swings and behavior changes. It has got to be exhausting. You are doing great friend. Should be super proud of how far you’ve come emotionally, physically and mentally in your sober journey.
I hope you won’t let him take away the joy of your accomplishments. You are working damn hard and it shows.
Big bear hugs to you
Thanks friend. I am working on just letting it go but it is tough when it is in your face literally. Take care have a super duper weekend.
I had my own agenda for today. Bookkeeping, vet appointment, make fresh tomato soup and deal with THE PEACHES. Tomorrow I celebrate 6 months and so wanted to be with my home AA Group. I drove to neighboring town only to have daughter tell me by phone she would rather work tomorrow. This call was while I sat in her driveway. She really let me down. Now I have been instructed to bag peaches and drive 2 1/2 hours to sell them tomorrow. I know these are not big gripes but FUCK I WANT WHAT I WANT!
We added 2 more hummingbird feeders and now I swear I am filling them all up everyday. I thought I could go every other day since they had more feeders. I was wrong. I think they told their friends and those told their friends. . Now I am off to bag up peaches for the masses. Am I grateful? Yes I am. Really could have used daughter’s help today but alas that is not to be. Grateful I am not drunk. Most Mondays over 6 months ago you would find me in bed intoxicated worthless. Must forego Gym and no sponsor meeting tomorrow. Grateful gym will still be there waiting for “The Happy Me”. Grateful Sponsor has no rushed itinerary for my Step Work. She has been marvelous through 2 surgeries and mental stressful days. She will see me next week.
My acceptance of God in my life who can conquer my alcoholic nature is really providing the tools I need so I don’t lose my head and cool. My tempered attitude is a direct result of praying to do what is right for all involved including me. No real need to stomp my feet and say No, I wont do these things. I don’t want to be rewarded for my sacrifices of my will as I know blessings will be bestowed on me whether Hubby sees my effort and is calm or someone will have a delicious bag of peaches to make their loved ones happy.
I love it here… You my people are a very big part of the Sober Journey I find so rewarding.
Checking in. Peach sale cancelled. Already my change of attitude is providing blessings and I am back on my agenda. You just never know what happens next in the life of Tailee. I must be ready for anything!
I am grateful that you can come here and vent and let it out. That would have been so frustrating and annoying and I’m so very happy that things worked out for you in the end and your attitude didn’t get mucked up.
Much love dear friend…here’s to another beautiful day
Thank you . 1 hour and 30 minutes and I will have 6 months sober. So silly to be so excited. You would think it’s Christmas and I am a kid.
Awe…not silly at all and worth all the excitement. It’s better than Christmas imo cause this is your hard work that you are celebrating
Can’t wait to officially celebrate this with you …
Pretty late for you? I’m back to bed but will be rested for the party
I am angry. I don’t want to be angry. It is stupid shit to be angry over. HALT not hungry. I HURT. Just muscle soreness. I am ANGRY LONELY NO. TIRED YES DID NOT SLEEP AT ALL WELL
FIRST I guess still pissed off about last Thursday night. Husband showed up a little before 10 pm. I would have been in bed but stayed up. House clean. Garbage taken out and fresh home baked cookies ready. First remark was the house smelled bad. Second remark was I must have made cookies for someone else as why would I make coconut his favorite choc chip with nuts. 3rd statement is what is a DRINKMATE and why did I buy it?
House smelled of baked cookies and cleaning detergent
Cookies were because I wanted something different and new to try
Drink mate was purchased years ago as giving up soda and this makes sparkling water(just happen to be left on counter)
No logical discussion could be made . I went to bed mad!
Weekend went great with no more conflicts.
Yesterday I find he has someone coming to bag walnuts. Short on bags and labels. Preferred bags coming tomorrow. Walmart completely out of labels. After cancelling sponsor meeting and running all errands I come home to no worker. He sent them home. Bags I bought temporarily were not to his liking!
Just a big fucking waste of my time and energy. AA MEETING I was late to because of all of this.
I am praying. I cannot change his behavior or words he attacks me with. I can only change how I respond. Not doing very well in that situation.
It just fucked up my whole morning! He has hung up on me 5 times. I am not allowed to express my feelings.
This is stupid, idiotic and crazy I need to regroup and find sanity once again
Ok so maybe I am HUNGRY
oof, that whole interaction would have upset me as well. He sounds mean and rude! I hope you are feeling a little less angry now
Yes… really trying to connect to my higher power who understands my frustration… I am irritable today. It has been some months since this agitated… Thanks for kindness.
Im so sorry this happened. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. You are such a hard worker and kind person. He’s a fool if he can’t see that. Big hugs
Thank you very much. I am accused of being TOO sensitive… I just hit my quota for undeserved verbal bs …
I appreciate everyone’s understanding here.
Hangry, perhaps. I’m hoping that you may have eaten something in the meantime. Aside from AA or additional baking, are there other activties that you enjoy that you can do… preferably out of the home to get some space and fresh air to process todays events?