I will likely lose my career if something doesn't change right now

I will likely lose my career if something doesn’t change right now.

I don’t want to go to AA. I don’t have anybody sober in my life I can turn to for support.

I don’t understand why I can even go 1 stupid night without a drink.


I lost a career due to my addiction. I also couldn’t go a day without drinking or drugging. Now I’m over 28 months sober and I’m in a career I love.


What is it you are willing to change?
If the answer is “anything and everything” then you’ve got every chance at success all lined up.
When you say immediately that you don’t want to go to AA then you are immediately discounting an avenue for support and success that is hugely valuable and freely available.
I had no idea what AA really was until I went. I wasn’t one of those people… One of those alcoholics… But guess what? It was nothing like I thought and I really was one of those people… Normal, intelligent, beautiful souls all sharing a struggle with similarities identifiable to each of us.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Go well


I lost a career due to drinking and drugging. I had to do anything possible to get my life back on track which included detox and AA. I went kicking and screaming but it was all worth it. New career and 167 days clean. Life gets better every day. Pls get out of your comfort zone and do what it takes, it will be well worth it.


So full of negativity this post.
So, your Likely to loose your career or job?
But you have no sober support, but you also won’t go somewhere that will give you that sober support?
What about other support groups.
You will find this process so much easier if you open yourself up to what ever it takes.


I’ve lost two careers to drinking and drugs man. All my friends drink, I really had nobody either, I tried isolation it doesn’t work, you will be miserable if you try it that way too. I mean everybody is different, I am a very introverted person and isolating myself still was the worse thing I did. I’m not religious, And I didn’t want to do a.a either bc I was ashamed, I thought I was better than that. Untill I well for my first time the other night and realized, holy shit these guys are all just like me. And are here for me, and welcomed me with hugs. Which holy shit did I need a hug,give it a shot man.


I second that! :joy:

@Amnawtx recovery is not something you can do alone. There’s as many ways as there are people but just about everyone here will tell you at some point they reached out and found a group that could help.

There is a good list of all types of different groups here:
Resources for our recovery

Take a look through, choose one - any one - and go. That first step is crucial.

Take care Erin. Wishing you well as you take this first step :innocent:


now is a great time to make many changes then! this forum is filled with suggestions about getting and staying sober from people who also couldn’t go a night without a drink. read a ton and get involved in your recovery :slight_smile:

here’s a link to a thread with a great deal of material worth looking intohttps://talkingsober.com/t/resources-for-our-recovery/52812


Have you considered the possibility that your an alcoholic and that AA is absolutely full of them, I was totally against it and am still not their biggest fan but why, if we really want to stop, wouldn’t we go to the place that is tryin to help us, a bit embarrassed? shame? pride?. There is no room in recovery for an ego but there is a room for people like us.


I keep reading about other options for recovery groups, but can’t seem to locate them or their meeting information. I’ve tried AA, I just can’t seem to stop digging my heels in against.

I’m looking into what resources my company provides, but I don’t want my management or HR involved.

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True, but it was a relief to type those words because I feel like they are the start of me being blatantly honest about why I continue to fail.


It’s just me but so far I 'm recovering without AA meetings. (80 days so far) Therapist and people from this forum are all I need for now I guess. But everybody is diffrent. :thinking:
And about nigth without a drink it’s simple. One easy trick : dont drink first drink😅

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Here are a variety of resources, including different programs to check into…

Resources for our recovery


Hey I lost my job from drinking also! Took me about a year to start working again. If I would have listened to the people who were telling me to stop…

Sucked being out of work but I had plenty of free time to figure out how to get sober and the wife and kids got to see what a winner I was sitting at home every day.


Don’t go to AA, lose your career. Go to AA, maybe save your career.

The math looks pretty good to me, that AA deserves an honest try.


War is over, if you want it.

Seems like you know what is going to happen if you keep traveling the road your on, lose a job at a minimum and prob worse. You have to honestly ask yourself what are you willing to do? I know you likely have no clue what to do because everything you have tried hasn’t worked. Self will availed me of nothing either. In order to beat alcohol, you are going to have to surrender and that means listening and trusting that what has worked for others, just may work for you.


You can quit just like we all have. If you are willing to go to any lengths to do it.

AA is not required to be sober. I however found it indispensable in my sobriety. When going to meetings focus on the similarities and not the differences between yourself and others.

Also rehab is an option. It may save your life if you cant quit any other way.

Ypu have support here so keep reading, checking in, and asking questions.


I looked at this and flipped your words into a plan
Which shows what could change
I wont lose my career if something changes right now.

I go to AA:or and I do have anybody sober in my life I can turn to for support.

I Am starting to understand why I couldnt even go stupid night without a drink. But now i can

Go for it


Then that’s a very good start. I know how hard it is to come to terms with.
Well done for reaching out.

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How are you doing now? You’ve gotten some great insights and suggestions. I’m late to this thread but wanted to check in on you @Amnawtx