I'm back again after deleting this app šŸ˜”

This is such helpful advice. It helped me a lot to keep a list on my phone of why I am not drinking anymore. And when I would think, oh just one, I would force myself to read my listā€¦it helped so much.

Hope you are doing well @Binx and @Roxy6

If interested, here is some of my listā€¦those who have been around awhile, feel free to ignoreā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:


I really needed to see this, and nodded my way through it all. Thank you for sharing your list Sassy :heart:


Glad it resonated. :people_hugging:

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It helped me a lot in early days and I hope it is a tool you can also use. Glad you are here @Binx. Keep fighting. :heart:

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I could really relate to a lot on your list Sassy, so Iā€™m sure I will come back to it again and again. Thank you for that, and Iā€™m glad to be back :heart::people_hugging:


I drank last night. I actually have been drinking again. I feel horrible. I needed to read this. I donā€™t want to feel like this anymore. I donā€™t know how to stop :cry:


The only way I know how to stop is not to keep alcohol in the house, to not have that first drink, to find ways to distract me in early days, weeks, monthsā€¦maybe meetings? Maybe coming on here more? Maybe long walks?

You are here and reaching out, that is good. You know you want to stop. Take it one second at a time and each second commit to not drinking. It isnā€™t easy, but it is and you are 100% worth it. :people_hugging:


Hi Roxy! Iā€™m a newbie here, but Iā€™m glad you came back. I think a lot of us are familiar with tumbling off the wagon repeatedly. My hope is that you find the strength to get back up, dust yourself off and climb back on! :muscle:t3: You got this!!! If itā€™s any help, I wonā€™t drink with you today! :heart:

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Yes. I think i need to get on here more. The funny thing is i have bottles of tequila up in my pantry. I havenā€™t touched them. I went out last night and i drank beer. I donā€™t drink at home. Itā€™s the going out that gets me every time. Iā€™m going to make it a point to get on here every day.

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Yes. Letā€™s not drink today, tomorrow or the next day or ever again. I hate this feeling. I need to get on here every morning and read my journals. That helped before and i stopped.

As addicts the world talks down on us enough. I suggest not joining the bunch. We make mistakes. Itā€™s OK. We didnā€™t fail. We fell. The failure would be never making it back. So take it a day at a time. Sometimes 5 minutes at a time. Get to a meeting (I suggest in person). Be honest with yourself. Open minded to suggestions and willing to make a change. Welcome back! You can do it!

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Thank you. Iā€™m embarrassed to go to a meeting in person. My husband is the kind of person that would see it as a weakness. I have to do this on my own.

I canā€™t promise never again. Iā€™m just a human sack of flesh and bone with an addict brain that has let me down thousands of times. The minute I start looking at my sobriety as never again the monkey on my back gets too big and I give in. For me, itā€™s a fools errand. Before I know it, Iā€™m bouncing through the dust behind the wagon. I donā€™t tuck and roll, I crash hard and bounce. So I will commit to today. I even feel pretty good about tomorrow, but Iā€™ll check back in with you tomorrow morning about that!

I hope signing on in the mornings and reading your journals will help! Come on over to the checking in daily thread, itā€™s been helpful for me. :slightly_smiling_face: Iā€™m new and on mobile so I canā€™t figure out how to link the thread here or I would. It usually stays pretty close to the top of the threads, so should be easy to find. Hereā€™s to a sober Sunday! :heart:


Ooofā€¦ thatā€™s tough! Iā€™m sorry you are feeling judgement from your husband. My husband wouldnā€™t do meetings, but luckily heā€™s supportive of me giving it a go! I couldnā€™t imagine trying to get sober if he shamed me for trying! I know Iā€™ve had to change my perspectiveā€¦ I need to get sober for me, if how I go about that bothers my husband or someone else, that is a THEM problem, not a ME problem. If who I become in sobriety doesnā€™t suit someone, they donā€™t have to stick around. But I believe in sobriety Iā€™m going to find enough self love that I wonā€™t have a problem with that!


Thats a good idea. I think Iā€™ve seen the thread before. Iā€™ve posted to it. Iā€™ll make sure to start doing it daily. One day ata time :pray:t2:

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Hi and welcome back, Iā€™m new here too and relapsed last weekend, I know that horrible feeling, I got through nearly 2 weeks of no drink and drugs and ended up on a 2 day bender last Fri/Sat no sleep, this all happened because I got completely overwhelmed thinking there is no way I could keep this up for weeks, months, years, for ever, what will my life be like, my anxiety went through the roof and instead of going into ā€œthe check in daily threadā€ and talking about it I stopped checking in completely and ended up exactly where I started, I felt absolutely hellish on the Monday and the first thing I done was reset my sobriety tracker and checked in on the thread and let out how I felt and what had happened at the weekend and Iā€™ve not missed a day since and Iā€™m 1 week sober, but itā€™s been hard and Iā€™ll not say Iā€™ll not stumble again because were all human but itā€™s the picking yourself back up and dusting yourself off to face the fight again, what I learned most from what led to the weekendā€¦one day at a time, youā€™ve got this :heart:



I suffer from alcoholism. It is my disease and I go to AA meetings and come here to get the medicine I need to treat my disease.

I also learned through trial and error that I could not treat my disease alone. I needed help.

I would suspect you would be welcomed and find support and understanding at an AA meeting very similar to the response you receive here.

Keep us posted on your progress.


Thank you. I cannot go to AA meetings. My husband is not supportive in that. He is a marine and thinks getting help is a weakness. He thinks i should just stop on my own. He doesnā€™t even know i have this app. So i will not be deleting this app again. That has been my problem. I start doing well and dont think i need the help anymore. But then i mess up again and i find myself right back here.

Do you do drugs only when you drink? I havenā€™t used cocain in years. Last night i drank to the point where when someone offered it to me, i did it. It was only 2 bumps but the fact that i even let myself do it, makes me feel like the worst person in the world. I hate myself right now.

He doesnā€™t have any issues with me getting sober but yes, the shame is real. Maybe heā€™s like this because i have fucked up so many times. I donā€™t know