I'm back again ,,,,,,,

Well it’s official. I can’t drink and be responsible.i just can’t. I don’t know how I’m going to do this


Well, there’s one thing for sure… you can do it! We’re all here for you…as I’m sure you know the folks on here are great and we all can help each other! Well done for deciding enough is enough. I never thought that not drinking would ever happen for me but it did!.. I tried all the usual things, drinking in moderation, drinking every other day blah blah… I couldn’t do it because for people like you and me it can’t be done. I know you can do this one minute at a time if need be… it is amazing how much better you can feel. Try writing down how you’re feeling now and all of the reasons why you want to quit. This is a really good thing to do because booze is sneaky and after a while you will feel that good you’ll forget the bad. I wish you well my friend :two_hearts::pray:t2:


It doesn’t matter right now the “how”. You’ve figured out the “why” (you can’t drink anymore), and that’s all that matters. You’ll find the “how” little by little.


@Blondie1x says it perfectly. Once you know that drink isn’t for you,that’s a big first step :ok_hand:t4:


Thanks for the kind words. It’s overwhelming to think about never having a drink. It doesn’t seem realistic for me.


And it wasn’t for me,no chance I thought. But here I am,day 31!!


Well don’t think about it then.
Get to the end of today sober and it’s good. Then do the same again tomorrow.


Thanks to all for reaching out. Going be a long day. I’m having trouble sleeping. I have posted some pretty stupid stuff on this site in the past. So thanks everyone

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Life over these coming weeks will be easier if you accept everything that happens to you and what you feel is exactly how you should be feeling.
In my first weeks my mind was all over the place as was my sleep. I was tired, jubilant, sad, all up and down the scale of feelings.
I took everything as being part of the process.
Look after yourself and remember somethings are ment to be.


I know exactly what you’re saying. Try not to think of the for ever thing, just don’t drink today…like @Yoda-Stevie says (the saying of which I love)… say no to the only drink that matters, the first one. You can do this, just like we are. We all had day ones :+1:…it’s 10 days for the alcohol to be out of your system so be kind to yourself. Interesting fact…it takes 66 days to make a new neuro pathway (habit) all the while you’re not drinking the old pathway is ‘grassing over’. At least that’s what I took from all the books that I’ve read so far. It’s hard to say no to yourself but it can be done and with each day it gets a tiny bit easier. Keep coming here and read read read! This place is priceless! Also post/share and even vent if you need to, we got your back buddy! Good luck :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Drinks lots of fluids and get as much rest as you can. Eating some healthy foods can help as well.

You certainly aren’t the first person to post a lot of stuff and regret it later.

Stay focused on today and being sober today. Forever is not here, so no need to worry about forever. Today is a great day to be sober.


Looking back on your previous posts, I see nothing stupid, just honest.

Welcome back @Wcbmado1224.


Welcome to the world of the non-drinker. There’s lots of people doing it, and no reason you can’t as well.

One truth that has helped me is the realization that quitting alcohol wasn’t a case of me losing something. It was a case of me gaining everything. No even trade. I made out like a bandit.

I mean it. The only regret I have is not quitting sooner, but there’s no changing the past. And yet, I am now in the position to maximize the opportunities each day presents. Winning!


For a long time I knew that drink was bad for me. It killed my mother and I was on my way towards following in her footsteps. But still I couldn’t seem to stop it. It was when I realised that I CAN’T drink (rather than I SHOULDN’T) it was like a whole new game. Finally I got my shit together and went to a therapist, went to some AA meetings, did a LOT of reading… Once you know that it is more than just “not drinking” the process becomes so much easier.


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Oh how I love this one. When I’m having a rough time of it (for any reason, not just alcohol related) all I have to do is stop and say to myself “Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today” and I feel better. I don’t need to say the rest of it. The first sentence is enough for me to FEEL the rest of it in my heart and in my gut. This has helped me through many situations.


You can do it if you put your mind to it. Just take one day at a time and go to meetings.


Yes! It was this same realization and grudging acceptance that turned it around for me. It wasn’t like a switch flipped, more an internal monologue that just kept getting louder with each regretful morning. Finally, it was:

Me: “You can’t drink, not even one.”
Also Me: “This is true. I cannot allow myself a single drink.”


I also reframed my thinking to, “I choose not to drink” or “I don’t drink.” Once I was able to separate the idea that I was missing out somehow by not drinking and faced the reality of what drinking really brought me, it helped me stay focused on my sobriety.

We think we are giving up something, but in reality we are GAINING so much more (self respect, self confidence, pride, regret free, hangover free, etc).


This is a great point. Although I know I can’t drink without returning where I was…saying “can’t” can be very demoralizing. So yes, I DON’T drink.


Yoda, I like your saying “I don’t drink”… Period. I say that if the thought crosses my mind. Also I think to myself, I met my quota already, lol… Thanks for all you give here, it really makes a difference to me!