I'm new to this community! But 90 days in an loving it

I have been through programs a couple times , but I truly find myself growing in a spiritual level, that is crazy uncomfortable… but the understand of not Knowing an submitting myself to our Lord. Has truly made a difference in my life . I work my steps an truly see my life as … It truly was. A mess ! But I truly deserve to be better for my 2 beautiful boys an be the father they deserve. I understand why my ol lady left , but time is the only thing I can gain by remaining sober to build a true self of reliable trust in itself back to insure my understanding in real unconditional love an understanding to be a father. I would really like to find some great people to work the program of sobriety . My Name is James , I’m from Tennessee an hope some ppl reach out. Cause it just day by day I stay clean . But y’all help me stay clean


Hello! Welcome to this beautiful community!!

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Thanks so very much . I appreciate the love ! Means more than words can express

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Hi James - I’m Jasmine… lovely to meet you. Welcome to the community.

Great work on your 3 months of sobriety :muscle:t4:

Here you will meet a lot of like minded people all working to live an addiction free life. Loads of love and support here and zero judgement.

Take your time to read around and join in when you are ready. A few of my favorite threads that help me stay sober are: Checking in daily to maintain focus #65


Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Hope to see you around

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Congrats on 90 days clean.

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