Did day 21 today. Made it to 2:30 and took a quick break and then finished the other 30.
Day 22. I appear to have plateau’d (planked?) at 2:20. 2:25 if you include the descent and clumsy landing.
But the challenge ain’t over yet!
I feel the same. But I plan to keep going until my arms give out.Trying to not put any limits with my own mind. Day 20 complete.
It is definitely not getting easier! Day 23 is done and I am glad for that! 1 week to go!! Will be traveling for a few days, but hope to check in. Again, my form was less than stellar, the book helped immensely.
Day 23
May I suggest listening to Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus - both distracting and uplifting. I mean, who doesn’t need a Hallelujah?!
Day 22 done… I’m never ever making it to 5 mins.
Day 21 complete. This is what I have been listening to during my planks. Going to need a longer song soon…Kane Brown, Swae Lee, Khalid - Be Like That (feat. Swae Lee & Khalid [Official Video]) / KaneBrownVEVO
Day 23 done. Asking myself why I didn’t use music before. Helps a lot. Is much easier. So this afternoon day 24,i guess.
Oh, well f** it’s 3:30 today.
Day 24, 3:30 is done, chugging along, okay form. 6 days to go!!!
Day 24
Needed 2 do-overs, but got-'er-done. Oy.
Did the 3 min, then 2 min rest, then another 1 min.
3.30 was a stretch too far!!
But will have a go in a few more days.
Have never managed more than 2.30 before (and that was a year ago and a one off) so I’m chuffed.
Yeah, any distraction!!!
Did you finish song ?
Day 23 done
I still having to take a quick rest to get through the full 3 mins, but feeling a little stronger today.
Yeah, I have to look for some music I like and that fit too well
Day 25 done, 3min45. Getting better. Watching a handsmade tale… Not funny but any distraction does.
Day 25 done with some breaks. The last minute I did a modified plank, legs on my knees instead of toes