Day 25 is done We are staying in a hotel the next few nights so I planked on the bed which was seriously not with good form. Did 3 minutes and am happy with that. Maybe I will put a towel down on the carpet for tomorrow, will be much better that way for me, I think. 5 days left!
Day 25
3:40 of self-inflicted … triumph?
Nope, it’s a 30 day challenge!!! Hooray!!!
Took off yesterday, back pain extreme. But 22, I followed @anon74766472 lead . Let it Be.Beatles n held till song complete. Forearm to straight arm back to Forearm. Never realizing song was 4:00. I’m burning probably back to 2 min. Tomorrow.
Day 25… just trying to add a little bit on each day.
3 min 15 today.
Defo helps to NOT do it after a big dinner
3 mins! With one break in between - so not really 3 straight mins - but hey, I’m still in the game! In it to… finish, not win, lol!
At least we’re having fun. And we’re sober. Benefits all around, (in addition to the side perk of rock hard abs )
Day 26 is done. I did 3 minutes on the floor of the hotel with assist from a towel…felt good with that. 4 days left!!
Day 25.1
Wanted to know I could get to 4 min. I did!!
Whoever suggested reading a book, thank you!
Hot damn!!! Y’all be killing this plank challenge!! I wanna join the next round!!
Was a little shocked. Today is rest day
Day 27, 4 shaky minutes done while reading. Did 1 downdog at 3 minutes. Thrilled that there are 3 days left!!!
Day 27
Straight arm 2 1/2 min, forearm 1 1/2 min.
We got this!
Already posted this song some weeks ago as I love it so much. Made 4’25’’ problem is that shouting takes my breath but at least I don’t forget to breathe
Day 28, was not feeling 4 minutes at all, so I tackled 2 minutes (which felt like a breeze). Am thankful for that. 2 days to done!
Day 28 done! Did it on elbows and knees.
Man, y’all are beasting it!!
Day 28
4 m 10 s of pure ugh. But did it!
Sorry, friends, but I’ve been out of the plank challenge for a while now with some ouchies. However, I’m so glad I gave it a go and plan to incorporate planks in to my day when I am up for it again.