Join me in spreading light in the fog

I’m setting an intention in coming weeks to be especially mindful of the beautiful, happy things in life that are going right, and attempting to share that with others. I need it right now, and others around me need it for coping with the uncertainty around us right now.

Does this mean I won’t complain? Or mention the coronavirus? Nope nope nope. But I will try to be mindful of how often I’m doing it and consider whether it helps me and others to do so. I will also try to speak up more often during all those moments I notice something neat or heartwarming or amusing, instead of keeping it to myself.

What are your thoughts? What can I/we do in our personal lives to ease the mental health burden of the coronavirus situation, for ourselves and others?


I’ve noticed that I’m napping more. :sweat_smile:

I’m going to tag this thread to make sure I see all posts :+1:


Yes! Attitudes definitely spread.

Thinking along that path, if as individuals we stay grounded and balanced, it helps others around us in society to do so. So not only is it better for us practically if we stay sober during this time, it actually helps everyone else by being a calm influence. Our selfish recovery is also a service to others.


You may find some light here as well…


Honestly, I’ve been super stoked the past week because the birds are chirping when I wake up. It’s something so simple, but it’s something that, for whatever reason, seems to get my day started in a good way, which directly translates to my mood for the rest of the day.

PMA all day.

I enjoyed this article :heart:


Love this so much. Thank you.


Noticing that spring has sprung the beauty in a sunny morning all those things that we get pulled away from just BC life gets in the way especially now or this uncertainty is around us daily, positive vibes and massive hugs to you all​:rose::bouquet::strawberry::seedling::apple::four_leaf_clover::twisted_rightwards_arrows::twisted_rightwards_arrows::heart::pray:


Did someone say NAP


This came to mind when I was on a walk just now. My son’s and I go for walks and hikes a lot (less hikes lately because of the broken bone in my foot) but we’ve been on a few walks lately and my youngest will continually stop and move the rolly pollies (pill bugs) from the sidewalk to the grass so they don’t get stepped on.

I know it’s “inconsequential” and most likely they will just come back on the sidewalk. But it’s his intention and kindness that really warm my heart. I love my son’s so much and I’m so grateful I get to see the world through their eyes.


From the book: Find Your Mantra by Aysel Gunar


My yoga teacher shared this quote the other day which feels like it fits here quite nicely :pray::sparkling_heart:



I believe,
From suffering comes knowledge,
when we lose something we gain something else,
sadness is followed by happiness,
Where there is no hope, you will find hope,
Only when your at your weakest you will find your true strength,
Every dark night ends with a new light to follow,
I believe in YOU.

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I think like you, the Light before Jesus was dark
Iam new here and its hard for me, but it helps to read such words like yours greetings from Germany

23 minutes to spare?! This was a great listen :sun_with_face::star: